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Title [sv]
Civilsamhället och den deliberativa demokratin: frivilligföreningars roll i offentliga samtal om förortsupplopp och dess orsaker
Title [en]
Civil Society and Deliberative Democracy: ?suburban riots? in Sweden and Civic Associations? Representation of Marginalization in Public Discourse
Abstract [sv]
The project investigates the deliberative roles of civic youth associations in three suburbs of Stockholm during ?the surburban riots? of 2013 and their aftermath. It focuses on youth associations that provide social arenas for discussing the events and exchanging experiences in immigrant majority suburbs that were especially affected by the riots. The project investigates the conditions of youth associations for affecting public narratives and debates about the nature and causes of the riots and associated concerns of marginalization and failed integration? Using a triangulation of methods to study the roles of youth associations in Husby, Tensta and Rinkeby, the project contributes both empirically and theoretically to current debates on the role of civil society in deliberative democracy. In particular, it examines the ?dual roles? of associations in providing platforms for social activities while at the same time informing public discussions on the lived realities of residents in the suburbs. This research will be of significant relevance for policy makers and engaged citizens. It will improve our knowledge of the dimensions of marginalization required to avoid riots in the future. It will also be of importance for integration policies as well as the broader need for making the public sphere of deliberation accessible to all citizens.
Principal InvestigatorThapar-Björkert, Suruchi
Coordinating organisation
Uppsala University
2015-01-01 - 2017-12-31
National Category
Public Administration Studies
DiVA, id: project:5355Project, id: 2014-01768_VR

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