Aim: The aim is to illustrate and analyse reflections from graduate nursing studentsover their experience of discussing racism in healthcare in an educational intervention.Design: A qualitative, descriptive design was adopted.Methods: Data were collected through written reflections and analysed through con-tent analysis. In total, 81 students participated in the intervention; 39 paediatric and42 public health care nursing students. Of those, 27 participants gave consent to havetheir written reflections included in the study.Results: Three main categories were developed in the content analysis of studentreflections: (a) the implicit embeddedness of racism in healthcare organization; (b) theeffect of racism on interactions with patients; and (c) a growing awareness of one'sown understanding of racism. This study indicates that student nurses discussed rac-ism as relevant to understanding good clinical practice for the benefit of patients andwork-based wellbeing of staff. This recognition of the organizational nature of racismwarrants nursing leaders and managers to include racism as a social determinant ofhealth in the undergraduate and graduate curricula to educate the next generation ofnursing about racism.