In this chapter, we will try to find ways to overcome the so-called techno-determinism which seems to influence our life in the informatized environments. In the first half of this chapter, we will critically examine the generally accepted belief that mathematics is related to reality as a static and fixed form. We will see that mathematics is rather a plural matter including human intention, the procedures to rewrite the relation between the complex functions as the original problem, and the calculated solutions as the potential answers or so. In this sense, the belief about mathematics as a fixed truth is not stable anymore. This suggests the techno-determinism itself is not stable anymore, either. In the last half of this chapter, we will see the work of a kind of horizon enabling us to interpret matters in life not as remnants of mathematical and scientific truths. We will do this by examining our qualitative and quantitative research in Japan, Sweden, and other countries. Our research show that the robots and other technological products will encounter with us on a kind of horizon in our life where things and matters seem to remain in the form of un-differentiated situations or ‘oneness.’