Chapter 1: Why study IT in school?
Purpose: The objective of the present study was to study the ability to influence young at-risk patients attitudes toward tobacco use through two intervention methods that were performed by dental health professionals. Materials and Methods: Two inteiventions, a brief individual motivational interview and an adapted school lecture, were studied, and both were compared with a control group Before and after interventions, a questionnaire was used Patients born in 1989 and 1992 who were judged by the dental personnel as potentially at risk for dental diseases, a total of 301 individuals, were included. Results: Both before and after interventions, the results showed a generally negative attitude towards tobacco use A majority of the participants were positive towards measures that were taken to control the spread of tobacco use, younger participants (born 1992) to a greater extent (73%) than the older participants (born 1989) (54%) Important factors that kept the participants away from tobacco use were the harmful effects and the approaches of parents and friends The older participants believed to a greater extent that they would try smoking as adults No change in tobacco use was registered after intervention, although the participants reported an increased use among friends Conclusions: The two pedagogical methods that were used in the present study influenced the young people's attitudes towards tobacco use only to a small extent However, the period between 12 and 15 years old seems to provide a good opportunity to influence attitudes towards tobacco. The adolescents' demand for interactive learning and their development of attitudes and tobacco use habits in relation to family and friends provide opportunities to use new pedagogical models
During 19992010, eligible Swedish university lecturers had an unconditional right to apply for promotion tothe position of professor. Our aim was to discuss the motives of the reform and to problematise challenges inmaking qualitative assessments of educational expertise. We presented the results from an evaluation of thereform, and we focused on the weights that the peer reviewers in their assessment assign to the educationalcredentials of the applicants as opposed to those assigned to the research credentials. The empirical materialconsists of the dossiers from 294 cases of promotion. For research expertise and for educational expertise, wecreated one and three indices, respectively, where different types of credentials were given different weights.Changes over time were examined, as well as differences between disciplinary domains. In the assessment anddecision process, educational expertise was outweighed by research expertise, and mainly quantitative aspectsof the former were taken into account. There were signs that the peer review system underwent changes andthat its intended quality-promoting function diminished over time.
The history of the introduction of computers and ICT in the Swedish school 1984-2000 is described and analysed and the situation around the year 2000 is exemplified.
En recension av den artonde utgåvan av C. P. Snows publikation "The Two Cultures" med anledning av att det gått 60 år sedan han gav texten som en föreläsning. Recensenten kommenterar boken och dess budskap med utgångspunkt i den fortgående specialiseringen inom vetenskapen.
Artikeln är en recension av en bok av Lillemor Kim om de svenska universitetskanslererna sedan detta ämbete inrättades som en del i den svenska myndighetsstrukturen 1964
We present an analysis of the implementation of EU-policies for foreign language proficiency, focusing Spanish as an optional school subject at the Swedish school system. We analyse frame factors that constrain such implementation and enactment processes in local interpretation of policy. European and national education policy documents, national statistics and interviews with teachers and stakeholders are analysed. Spanish is popular among pupils, nonetheless pupil achievement is poor and dropout rates are high. The lack of qualified teachers of Spanish accounts for a large proportion of this and teacher education seems to be a decisive curricular factor for a successful implementation of EU-policies. In-service training strategies for teachers of Spanish are a low priority among local educational authorities. There is a mismatch between state responsibility for teacher education on one side and local needs of teacher supply and responsibility for in-service training on the other. Nationally created conditions constrain local action and local actors reinterpret policy decided elsewhere.
Spanska som modernt språk undervisas i den svenska grundskolan sedan 1994. Ämnet är populärt och väljs i årskurs 7 av hälften av alla elever, men avhoppen är också stora. Efter tre år kvarstår endast knappt 30 % av eleverna. En förklaring bland flera är brist på behöriga lärare i ämnet och en annan är en svag ställning för detta valbara ämne relativt andra och obligatoriska ämnen. Rapporten beskriver, analyserar och förklarar bakgrund och orsaker till dessa förhållanden ur ett helhetsperspektiv och ett antal förslag till förändringar av situationen läggs fram.
Könsfördelningen inom den högre utbildningen kännetecknas av att ju högre upp i den akademiska hierarkin man blickar, desto mindre visar sig andelen kvinnor vara. Företeelsen, som ibland beskrivs som en avsmalnande pyramid eller som en läckande pipeline, är välkänd och har ofta diskuterats såväl i den samhälleliga debatten som i den vetenskapliga diskussionen.
Men hur ser könsfördelningen ut, betraktad horisontellt? Hur stor är andelen kvinnor vid övergången från grundutbildning till forskarutbildning och från forskarexamen till anställning inom universitet och högskolor inom olika ämnesområden?
Rapporten har utarbetats på uppdrag av Högskoleverkets Jämställdhetsråd. Den horisontella analysen ger en helt annan och mer komplex bild än den som den mycket vanligare vertikala analysen ger. Författarna presenterar en ram för ett forskningsprogram som bygger på att två analysdimensioner kombineras: Normstyrd självselektion – diskriminering och Interiorisering – exteriorisering.
We provide an integrative review of research on gender and academic careers conducted in the Nordic countries from 2003-2018. We investigate the nature and content of contemporary Nordic research and critically examine the methodological and theoretical approaches authors have used. We read, categorized, and analysed 74 articles retrieved from Web of Science. Our review shows that gender differences in academic careers persist, in line with earlier reviews. Men still publish more often than women do, whereas changes in gender differences regarding citations go both ways. The early years seem crucial to the development of an academic research career. Studies focusing on the influence of new public management on gender have added to this research area since 2003. The percentage of quantitative approaches has increased, but interview studies are nevertheless common. Existing research lacks (1) a focus on the horizontal dimension (i.e., across disciplines), (2) studies developing concepts and theory and (3) studies focusing on the consequences of changes in the research policy framework for higher education.