Våren 2010 presenterade regeringen betänkandet Betyg från årskurs 6 i grund-skolan (Ds 2010:15) i vilket två förslag till viktiga förändringar lanseras när det gäller grundskolans betygssystem: Dels införandet av en sexgradig betygsskala, dels införandet av betyg fr.o.m. höstterminen i årskurs 6.
Betänkandet remitterades till bland andra vårt universitet och för Pedagogiska institutionens räkning utarbetade vi ett yttrande. Rapporten är en bearbetning av institutionens yttrande.
The article discusses the entry of standardised measurement into the educational systems of Sweden and Germany and the processes of shape-shifting associated with this process. In the first part of the article, we investigate how standardised measurement challenged existing ways of conceiving education in Sweden and Germany during the first half of the twentieth century, leading to the introduction of a system of national tests in Sweden, but not in Germany. In the second part of the article, we explore standards-based reform in Sweden and Germany contemporaneously, including the role played by standardised measurement in this process. We analyse how psychometrics functioned as a 'quick language', i.e. a shorthand means of communication in educational matters, and the role it played in processes of shape-shifting of standardised measurement, i.e. transformations in directions very different from that which early proponents of standardised measurement had envisaged.
The article discusses the entry of standardised measurement into the educationalsystems of Sweden and Germany and the processes of shape-shifting associatedwith this process. In the first part of the article, we investigate how standardisedmeasurement challenged existing ways of conceiving education in Sweden andGermany during the first half of the twentieth century, leading to the introductionof a system of national tests in Sweden, but not in Germany. In the second part ofthe article, we explore standards-based reform in Sweden and Germanycontemporaneously, including the role played by standardised measurement in thisprocess. We analyse how psychometrics functioned as a ‘quick language’, i.e. ashorthand means of communication in educational matters, and the role it playedin processes of shape-shifting of standardised measurement, i.e. transformations indirections very different from that which early proponents of standardisedmeasurement had envisaged.