This dissertation contains an edition, followed by an English translation, of chapter 21, De stomacho, from the so-called Esculapius or Liber Esculapii. The dissertation offers a diplomatic-interpretative edition of the Latin text of the manuscript Uppsala C 664, a miscellaneous medical manuscript containing i.a. the chapter De stomacho. Liber Esculapii, a work on chronic illnesses, was compiled some time in late antiquity from Methodist and Dogmatic sources. Part of Esculapius is almost certainly a translation of a Greek source, or based on a previous translation. In the extant manuscripts it is usually preceded by a work on acute illnesses, the author of which is referred to as Aurelius. Esculapius’ text is partly based on the Medicinales responsiones of Caelius Aurelianus and can be of use in reconstructing lost parts of the text of Caelius. It also exhibits strong similarities with substantial parts of the Greek treatise De re medica of Paulus Nicaeus. Esculapius is preserved in a large number of early mediaeval manuscripts and was an influential source of mediaeval compilations, such as Gariopontus and Practica Petroncelli. A manuscript of Esculapius was probably also used for the medical glosses of Liber glossarum.
The present work consists of an introduction describing medical schools in antiquity and discussing the date, sources and influence of Esculapius. This is followed by a description of the language of Esculapius, the extant manuscripts, and the textual tradition, text, an English translation, a commentary, and studies of some words of special interest.