Purpose/Aim: The main purpose of this study is to investigate how the formal internal communication in Manpower Facility Services works, with focus on the formal information channels. Another, but not central purpose is to make suggestions on how the organisation can improve the internal communcation, if the study shows that improvements should be neccessary.
Material/Method: The investigation is based on qualitative interwievs among employees in Manpower Facility Services. I have interwieved one informant och seven employees (four local managers, tvo contract workers and one district manager). Documents and books have also been used. To analyze the results I have used Gerbners theory of communication and several theories concerning internal communication.
Main results: I have found some communication problems which can be summarized in six establishments:
1. The values, goals and visions of the organzation are not understood or of any interest to all employees.
2. Some of the informations channels (the intranet and the e-mail) are not accessible to all employees.
3. Some of the information channels are not available to some of the employees, although they have accessibility.
4. The employees do not know how much they are allowed to say when meeting the customer.
5. Some information given in the local managers meetings are considered irrelevant.
6. Some information should be updated more often.