Role-playing games provide the ability to slip out of established social frames and explore identity, whether digital or analog. Thus, these role-playing groups can provide a transformational container: a space for growth within which players feel safe to explore new aspects of their identities within a liminal environment. If the group of players is supportive outside the game, players can feel validated in portraying a new social identity in their daily life and shape a more empowering narrative of their life story. Furthermore, role-playing games open new relationship frames connected to these identities and the fictions surrounding them. Previous work has addressed how players may experience such dynamics as erotic, confusing, or potentially detrimental to existing relationships, particularly as a result of bleed, when aspects spill over from character to player. Through co-creation, players can experience unprecedented intimacy, vulnerability, and connection,which can shake the foundations of players' self-concepts and understanding of relationships. Applying theoretical principles from object relations, psychodynamics, transactional analysis, and attachment theory to role-playing games, this paper explores intimacy within role-playing environments. These theories can help explain how role-playing games can hold space for players to catalyze new relationships, practice interpersonal skills such as flirting and sharing, and experience the magic of limerence through connection. Furthermore, players can transform intimacy in daily life, whether with specific people or within their understanding of their sexual and/or romantic identities, such as queer and polyamorous identities. This paper concludes with recommendations for exploring intimacy with an emphasis on integration, safety, consent, calibration, transparency, and trust.