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  • 1.
    Albert, Anika Christina
    et al.
    University of Heidelberg.
    Leis-Peters, Annette
    Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Theology, Department of Theology, The Social Sciences of Religion, Sociology of Religions. Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Theology, The Centre for the Study of Religion and Society.
    Welfare and Values in Europe: Transitions related to Religion, Minorities and Gender (WaVE). Case study report D9: GERMANY – Reutlingen Case Study Report2007Report (Other academic)
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  • 2.
    Axner, Marta
    Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Theology, Department of Theology, The Social Sciences of Religion, Sociology of Religions. Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Theology, The Centre for the Study of Religion and Society.
    Liberation within Normativity: Meaning-making Strategies of Young Women Watching Sex and the City2006Conference paper (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    This paper, based on a Master's thesis in Sociology of Religion at Uppsala University, addresses issues regarding gender, sexuality and love as well as television and meaning-making. The aim of the study was to see how young women watching Sex and the City would interpret and make meaning out of values and norms regarding gender, relationships and sexuality in the television show, and also to see whether the way the show pictured relationships and love could function as meaning-making or identity-making stories for the women to use to understand and make meaning out of their own experiences of love, relationships and being a woman.

    Theoretical perspectives on the use of narrative and popular culture in identity-making are combined with Giddens' theory on the transformation of intimacy to give a frame for understanding how the stories of love and relationships in popular culture could be used to interpret and give meaning to people's own experiences. Identity and meaning-making are understood as processes that are not identical, but partly overlapping, and they are both reflexive projects of constant change, influenced by outer structures as well as individual choices.

    The results of the study show how the young women use different strategies to negotiate between competing ideals or values present in Sex and the City as well as in their actual lives. The ideal of the “independent woman” is strong in the series, as well as a traditional romantic ideal for relationships, and these two ideals often clash. The two ideals both have important aspects regarding construction of gender and power. Results from the study also show that the women in several ways connect the stories of the show with their own lives, and use Sex and the City to interpret and make meaning out of their own experiences of relationships, gender and sexuality. They even describe the show as a “friend”, a place to find comfort, strength and support, and in that way function in different ways in their everyday life.

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    Liberation within normativity
  • 3.
    Biendarra, Ilona
    et al.
    University of Würzburg.
    Leis-Peters, Annette
    Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Theology, The Centre for the Study of Religion and Society.
    Welfare and Values in Europe: Transitions related to Religion, Minorities and Gender (WaVE). State of the art report B2: Germany: overview of the national situation2007Report (Other academic)
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  • 4.
    Bäckström, Anders
    Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Theology, Department of Theology, The Social Sciences of Religion, Sociology of Religions. Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Theology, The Centre for the Study of Religion and Society.
    Om prästers utbrändhet2009In: Svensk kyrkotidning, ISSN 0349-2153, no 24, p. 325-327Article in journal (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    Två avhandlingar har behandlat frågan om prästers alienation från utvecklingen och en pågående utbrändhet. Undersökningarna ger en god bakgrund till frågan, men behöver kompletteras för att bli mer allmängiltiga.

  • 5.
    Bäckström, Anders
    et al.
    Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Theology, The Centre for the Study of Religion and Society. Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Theology, Department of Theology, The Social Sciences of Religion, Sociology of Religions.
    Edgardh Beckman, Ninna
    Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Theology, The Centre for the Study of Religion and Society. Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Theology, Department of Theology, Church and Mission studies, Ecclesiology.
    Pettersson, Per
    Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Theology, The Centre for the Study of Religion and Society. Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Theology, Department of Theology, The Social Sciences of Religion, Sociology of Religions.
    Religiös förändring i norra Europa: en studie av Sverige : "från statskyrka till fri folkkyrka" : slutrapport2004Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    Detta är den svenska slutrapporten från projektet Från statskyrka till fri folkkyrka vid Vetenskapsrådet. Slurapporten visar på den komplexa situation som de nordiska folkkyrkorna står inför, med den Svenska kyrkan som exempel. Religionen privatiseras samtidigt som intresset att använda sig av kyrkans riter ligger högt. Detta tyder på en spesifikt nordisk paradox.

    År 1997 antogs projektet ”Från statskyrka till fri folkkyrka” av det svenska Vetenskapsrådet. Tretton självständiga delstudier har ur olika synvinklar belyst religiösa och sociala förändringsprocesser i Sverige från mitten av 1800-talet fram till idag. I denna slutrapport bearbetas och vidareutvecklas resultaten, insatta i ett sammanhang av aktuell religions- och samhällsvetenskaplig debatt.

    Det speciella i den svenska religiösa situationen har att göra med den tidigare starka integrationen mellan kyrka och stat. Successivt har relationen lösts upp, fram till separationen år 2000. Rapporten visar att religionen inte har spelat ut sin roll i det senmoderna samhället, utan förändras på sätt som tidigare forskning inte förutsett. I det globala tjänstesamhällets Sverige är människors trosliv starkt privatiserat, samtidigt som religionen på ett ibland överraskande sätt uppträder på den offentliga arenan. Religiösa institutioner och organisationer fungerar som existentiella och kollektiva resurser i sökandet efter livskvalitet och mening. Kyrkans auktoritet och legitimitet är inte längre kopplad till dess formella position, utan till dess upplevda värde för individ och samhälle.

    Nya sociala förhållanden öppnar i dag för kyrkan som social aktör, men också som samtalspartner i en dialog om samhällsutvecklingens riktning och mål.

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    Religiös förändring i norra Europa. En studie av Sverige.
  • 6.
    Edgardh Beckman, Ninna
    Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Theology, The Centre for the Study of Religion and Society. Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Theology, Department of Theology, Church and Mission studies, Ecclesiology.
    Mer än  handling: diakoniforskning ger kyrkan större tyngd2018In: Svensk kyrkotidning, ISSN 0346-2153, no 3, p. 80-83Article in journal (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
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  • 7.
    Edgardh Beckman, Ninna
    Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Theology, The Centre for the Study of Religion and Society. Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Theology, Department of Theology.
    Ställa om – och sen?: Pandemins effekter på gudstjänst och församlingsliv i Svenska kyrkan2021In: Årsbok för svenskt gudstjänstliv, ISSN 0280-9133, Vol. 96, p. 169-192Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Readjustment – and then? The Effects of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Church Services and Parish Life in the Church of Sweden

    This article studies the effects of the covid-19 pandemic on church life in Sweden, and especially the liturgical life of Church of Sweden. During the first year of the pandemic (spring 2020 – spring 2021) local services were increasingly replaced by worship in front of the computer screen. Eucharist was celebrated less frequently and church buildings were for extended periods of time closed not only for services, but also for visitors. The article discusses ecclesiological challenges related to two aspects of these changes.The first aspect concerns the exploding amount of locally shaped varieties and types of worship, when parishes were encouraged to celebrate ”in a way that is possible”. The author relates this to a longer development that may be observed since the early 1970:s, and which has been summarized by theologian Marie Rosenius as ”autonomization”. Parishes have gradually become more separated from each other on a horizontal axis, while simultaneously being dissociated from their dioceses vertically. The effects of the pandemic seem to intensify this development, in turn challenging the ecclesiological idea of the Church of Sweden as defined by a liturgy that is recognizable from one week to the next and from one parish to another. This relates to the second aspect studied here, which concerns the tension between embodiment and disembodiment of church life. Digitalization of liturgical life clearly taps into the latter trend, challenging the ecclesiological idea of the local gathering as the primary expression of the church

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  • 8. Edgardh Beckman, Ninna
    et al.
    Ekstrand, Thomas
    Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Theology, Department of Theology.
    Pettersson, Per
    Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Theology, The Centre for the Study of Religion and Society.
    The Church of Sweden as an Agent of Welfare - the case of Gävle2006In: Churches in Europe as Agents of Welfare: Working Paper 2:1 from the project Welfare and Religion in a European Perspective, Diakonivetenskapliga institutet, Uppsala , 2006, p. 20-85Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 9.
    Edgardh, Ninna
    Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Theology, The Centre for the Study of Religion and Society. Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Theology, Department of Theology, Church and Mission studies, Ecclesiology.
    Att mejsla fram ett språk för Gud2014In: Feminism och kyrkan: På spaning efter jämställdheten / [ed] Lina Mattebo, Varberg: Argument , 2014, 1, p. 47-53Chapter in book (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
  • 10.
    Edgardh, Ninna
    Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Theology, The Centre for the Study of Religion and Society. Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Theology, Department of Theology, Church and Mission studies, Ecclesiology.
    (De)gendering Ecclesiology: Reflections on the Church as a Gendered Body2015In: Ecclesiology in the Trenches: Theory and Method under Construction / [ed] Sune Fahlgren, Jonas Ideström, Eugene, Oregon: Pickwick Publications, 2015, p. 193-207Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 11.
    Edgardh, Ninna
    Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Theology, The Centre for the Study of Religion and Society. Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Theology, Department of Theology, Church and Mission studies, Ecclesiology.
    Diakonin och omsorgen om vårt gemensamma hem: en könskritisk analys2020In: Tidsskrift for praktisk teologi, ISSN 1893-4773, Vol. 37, no 1, p. 32-41Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    This article takes its starting point in a recent tendency to include care for creation in the interpretation of diaconia as a ministry of the Christian church. Among those who argue for a renewed care for our neighbor and for the earth as our common home, we find such diverse Christian leaders as Pope Francis and the bishops of the Lutheran Church of Sweden. The article relates these arguments to a feminist discussion on the present crisis of welfare and care in the Western world. Both social care and ecological systems are exhausted in a system where care and reproductive work is subordinated to market oriented goals of growth and increased consumption. In order for the understanding of diaconia to integrate a responsibility not only in relation to needy human beings, but also to ecological systems that are under serious threat, the article argues for the importance of relating to this wider discussion on the crisis of care within feminist social theory. Feminist social theory may thus enrich theology in order to guard social care as a basic aspect of a global eco-system.

  • 12.
    Edgardh, Ninna
    Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Theology, The Centre for the Study of Religion and Society. Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Theology, Department of Theology, Church and Mission studies, Ecclesiology.
    Diakonins kyrka: Teologi, kön och omsorgens utmattning2019Book (Refereed)
  • 13.
    Edgardh, Ninna
    Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Theology, Department of Theology, Church and Mission studies, Ecclesiology. Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Theology, The Centre for the Study of Religion and Society.
    Difference and Desire: A Queer Reading2009In: Dialog, ISSN 0012-2033, E-ISSN 1540-6385, Vol. 48, no 1, p. 42-48Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The 2008 Lambeth Conference of the Anglican Communion illustrated the difficulties presently facing all mainline Western churches in dealing with their internal divergencies in matters of gender, family and sexuality. Drawing on recent articles on queer theology the author argues that the Christian traditions—contrary to common assumption—have unique resources for solving not only their internal controversies in these matters, but also for contributing to the wider challenges facing the human family on how to live differently together.

  • 14.
    Edgardh, Ninna
    Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Theology, The Centre for the Study of Religion and Society. Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Theology, Department of Theology, Church and Mission studies, Ecclesiology.
    Din är makten och äran: Om makt och auktoritet i liturgiska reformer2015In: Motstånd och förvandling: Gudstjänst på självförverkligandets marknad / [ed] Åke Jonsson, Örebro: Marcus förlag , 2015, p. 23-39Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 15.
    Edgardh, Ninna
    Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Theology, The Centre for the Study of Religion and Society. Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Theology, Department of Theology, Church and Mission studies, Ecclesiology.
    Embracing the Future: The Church of Sweden in Continuous Reformation2017In: Journal of The European Society of Women in Theological Research, ISSN 1783-2454, E-ISSN 1783-2446, ISSN 1783-2454, Vol. 25, p. 67-80Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The whole world followed the events in Lund, Sweden, on October 31, 2016, when for the first time a joint ecumenical commemoration of the Reformation took place between the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) and the Roman-Catholic Church. A photo distributed worldwide, shows Pope Francis and the Archbishop of the Church of Sweden, Antje Jackelén, embracing each other. The photo contains both hope and tension. The Church of Sweden tries to balance the tension between its heritage as ecumenical bridgebuilder, launched already by Archbishop Nathan Söderblom a hundred years ago, and its pioneering role with regard to issues of gender and sexuality. In the article these seemingly contradictory roles is set into a wider context of the journey Sweden has made from the time of the Lutheran reformation up to the present. A uniform society characterized by one people and one Christian faith, has gradually transformed into a society where faith is a voluntary option. The former state church faces new demands in handling religious as well as cultural diversities. Leadership is increasingly equally shared between women and men. The Church of Sweden holds all these tensions together through the approach launched on the official website of a church in constant need of reform.

  • 16.
    Edgardh, Ninna
    Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Theology, The Centre for the Study of Religion and Society. Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Theology, Department of Theology, Church and Mission studies, Ecclesiology.
    Gender and the Study of Christian Social Practice2013In: Diaconia against Poverty and Exclusion in Europe: Challenges, Contexts, Perspectives / [ed] Johannes Eurich and Ingolf Hübner, Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt GmbH , 2013, 1, p. 58-75Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 17.
    Edgardh, Ninna
    Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Theology, The Centre for the Study of Religion and Society. Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Theology, Department of Theology, Church and Mission studies, Ecclesiology.
    Gud, ge mig sinnesro: Om sinnesrogudstjänstens plats i Svenska kyrkans gudstjänstförnyelse2013In: Svensk teologisk kvartalskrift, ISSN 0039-6761, Vol. 89, no 2, p. 54-64Article in journal (Other academic)
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  • 18.
    Edgardh, Ninna
    Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Theology, The Centre for the Study of Religion and Society. Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Theology, Department of Theology, Church and Mission studies, Ecclesiology.
    Gudstjänst i tiden: - ekumenik, uppståndelsehopp och en kyrka som söker sin kropp2016In: Svensk kyrkotidning, ISSN 0346-2153, Vol. 112, no 12, p. 380-384Article in journal (Other academic)
  • 19.
    Edgardh, Ninna
    Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Theology, The Centre for the Study of Religion and Society. Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Theology, Department of Theology, Church and Mission studies, Ecclesiology.
    Gudstjänst i tiden: Ekumenik, uppståndelsehopp och en kyrka som söker sin kropp2016In: Svensk kyrkotidning, ISSN 0346-2153, Vol. 112, no 12, p. 380-384Article in journal (Other academic)
  • 20.
    Edgardh, Ninna
    Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Theology, The Centre for the Study of Religion and Society. Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Theology, Department of Theology, Church and Mission studies, Ecclesiology.
    Gudstjänstens kroppslighet: Recension av Lena Sjöstrand: Mer än tecken. Atmosfär, betydelser och liturgiska kroppar.2014In: Svensk kyrkotidning, ISSN 0346-2153, Vol. 5043, no 1, p. 21-22Article, book review (Other academic)
  • 21.
    Edgardh, Ninna
    Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Theology, The Centre for the Study of Religion and Society. Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Theology, Department of Theology, Church and Mission studies, Ecclesiology.
    ”Hon står mellan raderna och ser på mig” Att forska kom kyrka och kön: Installationföreläsning vid professorsinstallation 12 november 20122012Other (Other academic)
  • 22.
    Edgardh, Ninna
    Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Theology, The Centre for the Study of Religion and Society. Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Theology, Department of Theology, Church and Mission studies, Ecclesiology.
    Körsångares relation till gudstjänsten: Recension av Caroline Gustavsson Delaktighetens kris. Gudstjänstens pedagogiska utmaning. Artos 2016.2016In: Svensk kyrkotidning, ISSN 0346-2153, Vol. 112, no 10, p. 318-Article, book review (Other academic)
  • 23.
    Edgardh, Ninna
    Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Theology, The Centre for the Study of Religion and Society. Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Theology, Department of Theology, Church and Mission studies, Ecclesiology.
    Liturgical Reforms and Issues of Power and Authority2014In: Studia liturgica: an international ecumenical review for liturgical research and renewal, ISSN 0039-3207, Vol. 44, no 1-2, p. 66-81Article in journal (Other academic)
  • 24.
    Edgardh, Ninna
    Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Theology, The Centre for the Study of Religion and Society. Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Theology, Department of Theology, Church and Mission studies, Ecclesiology.
    Liturgins grammatik i nordisk kontext2019In: Gudstjänstens mening / [ed] Borgehammar, Stephan m fl, Skellefteå: Artos & Norma, 2019, p. 65-80Chapter in book (Refereed)
  • 25.
    Edgardh, Ninna
    Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Theology, The Centre for the Study of Religion and Society. Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Theology, Department of Theology, Church and Mission studies, Ecclesiology.
    Liturgische Reformen im Kontext von Macht und Autorität2013In: Liturgiereformen in den Kirchen. 50 Jahre nach Sacrosanctum Concilium / [ed] Gordon W Lathrop and Martin Stuflesser, Regensburg: Verlag Friedrich Pustet, 2013, p. 81-101-Conference paper (Other academic)
  • 26.
    Edgardh, Ninna
    Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Theology, The Centre for the Study of Religion and Society. Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Theology, Department of Theology, Church and Mission studies, Ecclesiology.
    Marias återkomst och vår2014In: Himlen är här/Heaven is here: Människan och kyrkokonsten under 1000 år / [ed] Herman Bengtsson, Uppsala: Svenska kyrkan, Uppsala Domkyrkoförsamling , 2014, p. 37-41Chapter in book (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
  • 27.
    Edgardh, Ninna
    Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Theology, The Centre for the Study of Religion and Society. Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Theology, Department of Theology, Church and Mission studies, Ecclesiology.
    Nordiska perspektiv på gudstjänstreformer: Recensionsartikel2016In: Årsbok för svenskt gudstjänstliv, ISSN 0280-9133, Vol. 91, p. 171-181Article, book review (Refereed)
  • 28.
    Edgardh, Ninna
    Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Theology, The Centre for the Study of Religion and Society. Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Theology, Department of Theology, Church and Mission studies, Ecclesiology.
    Nätverk och tidskrift stärker diakoniforskning2017In: Svensk kyrkotidning, ISSN 0346-2153, Vol. 113, no 3, p. 78-Article in journal (Other academic)
  • 29.
    Edgardh, Ninna
    Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Theology, The Centre for the Study of Religion and Society. Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Theology, Department of Theology, Church and Mission studies, Ecclesiology.
    Ordet blir kött och slår upp sitt tält ibland oss: Om att fira gudstjänst i sin kropp2016In: Den kommunikativa kyrkan: Festskrift till Bernice Sundkvist på 60-årsdagen / [ed] Birgitta Sarelin & Mikael Lindfelt, Skellefteå: Artos & Norma bokförlag, 2016, p. 41-54Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 30.
    Edgardh, Ninna
    Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Theology, The Centre for the Study of Religion and Society. Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Theology, Department of Theology, Church and Mission studies, Ecclesiology.
    Recension av Torbjörn Axner: Ordo Missae. Missalen och missaletillägg i Svenska kyrkan 1942-19672015In: Årsbok för svenskt gudstjänstliv, ISSN 0280-9133, no 90, p. 176-179Article, book review (Other academic)
  • 31.
    Edgardh, Ninna
    Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Theology, The Centre for the Study of Religion and Society. Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Theology, Department of Theology, Church and Mission studies, Ecclesiology.
    Review of Leen Van Molle (ed), Charity and Social Welfare. The Dynamics of Religious Reform in Northern Europe 1780-1920 IV. Leuven University Press 2017.2017In: Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Religion under Kulturgeshichte, Vol. 111, p. 428-430Article, book review (Other academic)
  • 32.
    Edgardh, Ninna
    Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Theology, The Centre for the Study of Religion and Society. Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Theology, Department of Theology, Church and Mission studies, Ecclesiology.
    Review of STEPHANIE DIETRICH, KNUD JØRGENSEN, KARI KARSRUD KORSLIEN & KJELL NORDSTOKKE, Diakonia in a Gender Perspective, Oxford: Regnum Books International 2016, 274 pp.2017In: Diaconia. Journal for the Study of Christian Social Practice, ISSN 1869-3261, E-ISSN 2196-9027, Vol. 8, no 1, p. 110-111Article, book review (Other academic)
  • 33.
    Edgardh, Ninna
    Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Theology, The Centre for the Study of Religion and Society. Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Theology, Department of Theology, Church and Mission studies, Ecclesiology.
    Serenity Prayer Services: A Swedish 21st Century Phenomenon in Ecclesiological Perspective2016In: Ecclesiologica & alia: Studia in honorem Sven-Erik Brodd / [ed] Erik Berggren & Maria Eckerdal, Skellefteå: Artos & Norma bokförlag, 2016, p. 255-276Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 34.
    Edgardh, Ninna
    Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Theology, The Centre for the Study of Religion and Society. Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Theology, Department of Theology, Church and Mission studies, Ecclesiology.
    Sinnesrogudstjänster som en andlig väg i Svenska kyrkan2015In: Vägar till befrielse: Från Ignatirus till de tolv stegen / [ed] Andreas Carlgren, Torbjörn Freij, Skellefteå: Artos & Norma bokförlag, 2015, p. 165-180Chapter in book (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
  • 35.
    Edgardh, Ninna
    Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Theology, The Centre for the Study of Religion and Society. Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Theology, Department of Theology, Church and Mission studies, Ecclesiology.
    Söndag: Gudstjänst i en ny tid2016In: Svensk teologisk kvartalskrift, ISSN 0039-6761, Vol. 92, no 3-4, p. 180-181Article, book review (Other academic)
  • 36.
    Edgardh, Ninna
    Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Theology, The Centre for the Study of Religion and Society. Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Theology, Department of Theology, Church and Mission studies, Ecclesiology.
    The path between University and Chuch in Sweden2013Conference paper (Other academic)
  • 37.
    Edgardh, Ninna
    Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Theology, The Centre for the Study of Religion and Society. Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Theology, Department of Theology, Church and Mission studies, Ecclesiology.
    Väl utbildade medarbetare orkar stå upp för utsatta2016In: Svensk kyrkotidning, ISSN 0346-2153, Vol. 112, no 9, p. 280-Article in journal (Other academic)
  • 38.
    Edgardh, Ninna
    Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Theology, The Centre for the Study of Religion and Society. Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Theology, Department of Theology, Church and Mission studies, Ecclesiology.
    Väl utbildade medarbetare orkar stå upp för utsatta2016In: Svensk kyrkotidning, ISSN 0346-2153, Vol. 112, no 8, p. 280-Article in journal (Other academic)
  • 39.
    Edgardh, Ninna
    Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Theology, The Centre for the Study of Religion and Society. Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Theology, Department of Theology, Church and Mission studies, Ecclesiology.
    Welfare and religion in post-apartheid South Africa: Swedish/European comparisons from a gender perspective2012In: Welfare, Religion and Gender in Post-apartheid South Africa: Constructing a South-North Dialogue / [ed] Ignatius Swart et al, Stellenbosch: SUN PReSS, 2012, p. 333-343Chapter in book (Refereed)
  • 40.
    Edgardh, Ninna
    Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Theology, The Centre for the Study of Religion and Society.
    Welfare and Values in Europe (WaVE). State of the Art. Part B. 1. Sweden: Overview of the National SituationReport (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
    Download full text (pdf)
  • 41.
    Edgardh, Ninna
    Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Theology, The Centre for the Study of Religion and Society. Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Theology, Department of Theology, Church and Mission studies, Ecclesiology.
    Welfare, Religion and Gender: Scandinavian experiences in European perspectice2015In: Neue Soziale Bewegungen als Herausforderung soxialkirchlichen Handelns / [ed] Wilhelm Damberg, Traugott Jähnichen, W. Kohlhammer GmbH, 2015, p. 103-113Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 42.
    Edgardh, Ninna
    Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Theology, The Centre for the Study of Religion and Society. Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Theology, Department of Theology, Church and Mission studies, Ecclesiology.
    Welfare, Religion and Gender: Scandinavian experiences in European perspective2013Conference paper (Other academic)
  • 43.
    Edgardh, Ninna
    et al.
    Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Theology, The Centre for the Study of Religion and Society. Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Theology, Department of Theology, Church and Mission studies, Ecclesiology.
    Borgehammar, StephanFahlgren, StephanFallberg Sundmark, Stephan
    Gudstjänstens mening2019Collection (editor) (Refereed)
  • 44.
    Edgardh, Ninna
    et al.
    Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Theology, The Centre for the Study of Religion and Society. Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Theology, Department of Theology, Church and Mission studies, Ecclesiology.
    Lundström, Erik
    The gender order of prophetic diaconia2017In: Diaconia. Journal for the Study of Christian Social Practice, ISSN 1869-3261, E-ISSN 2196-9027, Vol. 8, no 1, p. 38-50Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The article starts from a growing ecumenical consensus on the importance of prophetic diaconia in relation to the global challenges of the 21st century. The specific question addressed concerns how the churches can lay a better foundation for prophetic diaconia by discarding their traditional gender structure. The more churches free themselves from the patriarchal aspects of their traditions, the more credible they become as social critics – and the more they are free to do their work for the world’s healing. The article builds on a master’s thesis in educational management on deacons as the whistle-blowers of the Church, a role which is coded as female and related to a predominantly male-coded resistance, questioning, and criticism. The article argues that this shows a hitherto neglected area of research that deserves more extensive studies in the future.Read More: http://www.vr-elibrary.de/doi/10.13109/diac.2017.8.1.38#.We3vlVu0Opo

  • 45.
    Edgardh, Ninna
    et al.
    Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Theology, The Centre for the Study of Religion and Society. Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Theology, Department of Theology, Church and Mission studies, Ecclesiology.
    Wyller, Trygve
    University of Oslo.
    Editor's comment2017In: Diaconia. Journal for the Study of Christian Social Practice, ISSN 1869-3261, E-ISSN 2196-9027, Vol. 8, no 1, p. 2-Article in journal (Other academic)
  • 46.
    Ekstrand, Thomas
    et al.
    Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Theology, Department of Theology.
    Edgardh Beckman, Ninna
    Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Theology, Department of Theology.
    Pettersson, Per
    Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Theology, The Centre for the Study of Religion and Society.
    Welfare, Church and Gender in Sweden2004In: Welfare, Church and Gender in Eight European Countries: Working Paper 1 from the Project Welfare and Religion in a European Perspective, Uppsala Institute for Diaconal and Social Studies , 2004Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 47. Erasmus, Johannes
    et al.
    Fokas, EffiePettersson, PerUppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Theology, The Centre for the Study of Religion and Society.
    Special issue: Churches, Welfare and Gender in Context: A South African-European Exchange of Perspectives.2009Collection (editor) (Refereed)
  • 48.
    Eriksson, Lise
    Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Theology, The Centre for the Study of Religion and Society. Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Theology, Uppsala Religion and Society Research Centre. Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Sociology. Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Medicine and Pharmacy, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Women's and Children's Health, International Maternal and Child Health (IMCH), International Maternal and Reproductive Health and Migration. Åbo Akademi.
    Surrogatmoderskap i Norden2016In: Ad Lucem, ISSN 0355-9653, Vol. 105, no 1, p. 22-24Article in journal (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
  • 49.
    Fokas, Effie
    Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Theology, The Centre for the Study of Religion and Society.
    WaVE State of the Art Report: Part A2007Report (Other academic)
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  • 50.
    Fokas, Effie
    Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Theology, The Centre for the Study of Religion and Society.
    Welfare and Values in Europe: a comparative cross-country analysis2009Report (Other academic)
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