Title: From inspectors to guides: how citizen journalism and participatory culture
affect the professional identity of Swedish journalists (Swedish title: Från granskare
till guide: om medborgarjournalistikens och deltagarkulturens påverkan på svenska
journalisters professionella identitet).
Number of pages: 44 (48 including enclosures).
Authors: Towe Bengtsson and Matilda Källén.
Tutor: Amelie Hössjer.
Course: Media and Communication Studies C.
Period: Fall 2011.
University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Informatics and
Media, Uppsala University.
Purpose/Aim: The goal of this paper was to answer how citizen journalism and
participatory journalism as well as an increasing range of information today have
affected the professional identity and professional lives of journalists. In addition to
this, study how journalists today respond to these changes.
Material/Method: The study is based on Deuze’s theories about journalistic ideals,
Jenkins’ theories about convergence culture, and on theories about professionalization
and de-professionalization based on Nygren, Wiik and Torstendahl’s theories. The
study is based on eight interviews with professional journalists, four employed
journalists and four freelance journalists. The results are analysed based on a broad
theoretical framework.
Main results: The results of this survey show that the role of the professional
journalist is extremely complex, with a strong ideological basis that fundamentally
influences the journalist's view of the profession and of him- or herself. The survey
shows that the journalist role is changing and how important the identification as a
journalist still is. Furthermore, the survey shows that the role is being redefined. The
role consists of two levels, an ideological level and a more practical level. The survey
shows how these two levels are in harmony, but also on a collision course, and how
journalists seek to clarify their ideology to distinguish themselves from others, but
also how they actually adapt the ideals on a more practical level.
In summary, despite a de-professionalization of the profession, the journalists keep
the journalistic ideals very high, although they constantly redefine their role, as well
as the ideals. They see their role as an aid to guide the readers, rather than a traditional
journalist, although they still cling to a traditional perception of the ideal journalist.