Clubhouse is a social network allowing only real-time oralcommunication. While its 2020 worldwide launch wentlargely unnoticed in Eastern Europe, it took countriessuch as Ukraine and Russia by storm in February 2021.Users were enticed by the platform’s exclusivity (invita-tion only and limited to IOS users), unusual format, andcompatibility with post-covid social life. For some time,Clubhouse was the dominant theme of discussions on othersocial media, mainstream news media organizations startedlaunching daily talk shows in the app, and early adoptersengaged in a plethora of participatory activities rangingfrom propagandist broadcasts to 24/7 rooms where botswould recite Russian classical poetry, from fervently seek-ing ways to monetise their participation to creating thesomewhat unexpected genre of audial fakes.In this article we intend to analyse the turbulent arrivalof the new app in Russia and Ukraine from the perspec-tives of media ecology and media archaeology. Focusingon the app’s mediality and remediation, the social mediadiscourse about it and particular content in some of thenotable rooms, we highlight the conjunction of social envi-ronment, the already existing and novel technologicalaffordances, as well as users’ perceptions and expectationsin the emergence of a new niche in the ecology of participa-tory media. Based on this, we will also try to outline somepossible scenarios for the new platform in Eastern Europe’sdense mediascapes. We argue that the prompt rise of Club-house’s popularity was not thanks to its special authenticity,as some suggest, but rather because of the normalization ofgroup long-distance conversations (e.g., via Zoom), coupledwith the intentional monomedia poverty of affordances andclearly delimited boundary between the roles of broadcast-ers and listeners, which was perceived as liberating in aprodusage-saturated environment. This actually limits theparticipatory media potential of content creators and influ-encers, increasing their power and reviving monologicalmodels of communication that suggest a passive audience.