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Abstracts of Uppsala dissertations from the Faculty of Medicine (Closed down 1985-12-31)
Abstracts of Uppsala dissertations from the Faculty of Pharmacy (Closed down 1985-12-31)
Abstracts of Uppsala dissertations from the Faculty of Science (Closed down 1985-12-31)
Abstracts of Uppsala dissertations from the Faculty of Social Sciences (Closed down 1985-12-31)
Abstracts of Uppsala dissertations in medicine (Closed down 1970-12-31)
Abstracts of Uppsala dissertations in science (Closed down 1970-12-31)
Abstracts of Uppsala dissertations in social sciences (Closed down 1970-12-31)
Acta Academiae Regiae Gustavi Adolphi
Acta Bibliothecae R. Universitatis Upsaliensis
Acta Instituti Upsaliensis iurisprudentiae comparativae
Acta phytogeographica Suecica
Acta Societatis linguisticae Upsaliensis (Closed down 1992-12-31)
Acta Societatis theologicae Upsaliensis. Nova series (Closed down 1963-12-31)
Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis
Aesthetica Upsaliensia
Annual Reports - Department of Medical Cell Biology
Arbetsrapporter / Kulturgeografiska institutionen
Arbetsrapporter / Uppsala universitet, Institutionen för Östeuropastudier
Arbetsrapport - Institutet för bostads- och urbanforskning, Uppsala universitet
Arcus sacri
Ars Suetica: skrifter
Bebyggelsehistorisk tidskrift
Bibliotheca Neolatina Upsaliensis
Boreas. Uppsala Studies in Ancient Mediterranean and Near Eastern Civilizations
Bulletin of the geological institutions of the University of Uppsala (Closed down 1992-12-31)
Cefo Publication Series
Centrum för energieffektivisering i kulturhistoriskt värdefulla byggnader
CIND research paper
CIRCUS Interdisciplinary Insights
Coast to coast-books
Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Arts
Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Medicine (Closed down 2008-09-02)
Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Pharmacy (Closed down 2008-09-02)
Comprehensive summaries of Uppsala dissertations from the Faculty of Science (Closed down 1993-12-31)
Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology (Closed down 2008-09-02)
Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Social Sciences (Closed down 2008-09-02)
Degree Project in Sustainable Destination Development
De lege: årsbok / Juridiska fakulteten i Uppsala
Diakonivetenskapliga institutets skriftserie
Digitala skrifter från Hugo Valentin-centrum
Digitala skrifter från Nordiska språk
Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Educational Sciences
Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Medicine
Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Pharmacy
Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology
Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Social Sciences
Dissertations and documents in cultural anthropology : DICA
Dissertations in cultural anthropology: DICA (Closed down 2005-01-01)
Doctoral thesis / Företagsekonomiska institutionen, Uppsala universitet
Economic studies
Endangered languages and cultures
Examensarbete i logopedi (Closed down 2016-03-30)
Examensarbete vid Institutionen för geovetenskaper
Examensarbete vid Institutionen för pedagogik, didaktik och utbildningssociologi
Examensarbete vid Institutionen för pedagogik, didaktik och utbildningsstudier (Closed down 2023-12-31)
Figura: Uppsala studies in the history of art
Folia historica Upsaliensia (Closed down 1970-12-31)
Forskning om funktionshinder pågår
Forskningsrapport : Research report / Institutet för bostadsforskning, Uppsala universitet
FoSam Rapport - Forum för samverkan, Uppsala universitet
FREIA Report
FUMS rapport: Arbetsrapporter om modern svenska
Futhark: International Journal of Runic Studies
Geografiska regionstudier (Closed down 2013-04-10)
Global Migration: Consequences and Responses - RESPOND Working Paper Series
Gotland University Press
Handikappforskning pågår: aktuellt om forskning på handikappområdet
Hereditas et Exercitia
Historia litterarum
Historia religionum
Introductory research essay / Department of Animal Ecology, Evolutionary Biology Centre, Uppsala University
IT licentiate theses / Uppsala University, Department of Information Technology
kritisk etnografi: Swedish Journal of Anthropology
Laokoon: Swedish studies in aesthetics (Closed down 1969-12-31)
Licentiate theses / Faculty of Pharmacy, Uppsala University
Licentiate thesis / Företagsekonomiska institutionen, Uppsala universitet
Litteratur och samhälle: meddelande från Avd. för litteratursociologi vid Litteraturhistoriska institutionen, Uppsala
Magisterarbete i logopedi
Master's Theses in Sociology of Education
Masterarbete i logopedi
Masteruppsaster i Etnologi och Folkloristik
Masteruppsatser i kulturantropologi
MATVET Additiv
MATVET Energiteknik
MATVET Materialteknik
Meddelanden / Litteraturvetenskapliga institutionen, Uppsala universitet
Meddelanden från Institutionen för ABM vid Uppsala universitet
Meddelanden från Uppsala universitets geografiska institutioner. Ser. A (Closed down 1987-12-31)
Minor Field Study
Multiethnica: journal of the Hugo Valentin Centre
Musikvetenskapliga serien i Uppsala (MSU)
Namn och Samhälle
Nomina Germanica: arkiv för germansk namnforskning
Nordiska texter och undersökningar
Nova acta Regiae Societatis scientiarum Upsaliensis. A, Astronomy and mathematical sciences
Nova acta Regiae Societatis scientiarum Upsaliensis. C, Botany, general geology, physical geography, paleontology and zoology
Nova acta Regiae Societatis scientiarum Upsaliensis. Ser. 5, volumen extra ordinem editum
Occasional paper / Företagsekonomiska institutionen, Uppsala universitet
Occasional papers / Institutionen för allmän och jämförande etnografi vid Uppsala universitet
Occasional papers in archaeology
Opuscula historica Upsaliensia
Opuscula Uralica
Orientalia Suecana
Ortnamnssällskapets i Uppsala årsskrift
Outlook on Civil Society
Pedagogisk forskning i Uppsala
Psychologia et sociologia religionum
Psychologia religionum (Closed down 1984-12-31)
RAAS. Reports on Asian and African studies
Rapport / Uppsala universitet, Institutionen för freds- och konfliktforskning
Rapporter från forskningsgruppen för utbildnings- och kultursociologi
Rapportserie / Kvalitet och utvärdering
Rapportserie från avdelningen för kvalitetsutveckling
Rapportserie från Avdelningen för universitetspedagogisk utveckling
Rapportserie från Enheten för utveckling av pedagogik och interaktivt lärande
Religionshistoriska forskningsrapporter från Uppsala: Uppsala research reports in the history of religions
Report / Department of Peace and Conflict Research
Research report / Uppsala University, Department of Information Science
Runrön: runologiska bidrag
Scripta Islandica: Isländska sällskapets årsbok
Scripta minora Bibliothecae regiae Universitatis Upsaliensis
Serie 506
Självständigt arbete i informationsteknologi
Skrifter / Institutionen för idé- och lärdomshistoria, Uppsala universitet
Skrifter / utgivna av Institutionen för nordiska språk vid Uppsala universitet
Skrifter från Centrum för genusvetenskap / Crossroads of knowledge
Skrifter från Juridiska fakulteten i Uppsala
Skrifter rörande Uppsala universitet. B, Inbjudningar
Skrifter rörande Uppsala universitet. C, Organisation och historia
Skrifter utgivna av Avdelningen för litteratursociologi vid Litteraturvetenskapliga institutionen i Uppsala
Skrifter utgivna av Institutionen för nordiska språk vid Uppsala universitet
Skrifter utgivna av Litteraturvetenskapliga institutionen vid Uppsala universitet
Skrifter utgivna av Språk- och folkminnesinstitutet, Dialektavdelningen. A
Skrifter utgivna av Statsvetenskapliga föreningen i Uppsala
Skrifter utgivna vid institutionen för ABM vid Uppsala universitet
Slovo: Journal of Slavic Languages, Literatures and Cultures
Slovo: Journal of Slavic Languages and Literatures (Closed down 2014-01-01)
South Asian Studies
Språk och stil: Tidskrift för svensk språkforskning
Studia Anglistica Upsaliensia
Studia biblica Upsaliensia
Studia Byzantina Upsaliensia
Studia Celtica Upsaliensia
Studia cibi nutritionisque Upsaliensia
Studia didactica Upsaliensia
Studia doctrinae Christianae Upsaliensia (Closed down 1991-12-31)
Studia ethnologica Upsaliensia
Studia Germanistica Upsaliensia
Studia Graeca Upsaliensia
Studia Historica Upsaliensia
Studia historico-ecclesiastica Upsaliensia
Studia Indoeuropaea Upsaliensia
Studia Iranica Upsaliensia
Studia iuridica Upsaliensia (Closed down 1977-12-31)
Studia Latina Upsaliensia
Studia Linguistica Upsaliensia
Studia Missionalia Svecana
Studia Missionalia Upsaliensia (Closed down 2000-12-31)
Studia multiethnica Upsaliensia
Studia musicologica Upsaliensia
Studia numismatica Upsaliensia
Studia oeconomiae negotiorum
Studia oeconomica Upsaliensia
Studia philologiae Scandinavicae Upsaliensia
Studia philosophica Upsaliensia
Studia psychologica clinica Upsaliensia
Studia psychologica Upsaliensia
Studia Rhetorica Upsaliensia
Studia Romanica Upsaliensia
Studia Semitica Upsaliensia
Studia Slavica Upsaliensia
Studia Sociologica Upsaliensia
Studia statistica Upsaliensia
Studia textilia
Studia Turcica Upsaliensia
Studia Uralica et Altaica Upsaliensia (Closed down 1989-12-31)
Studia Uralica Upsaliensia
Studier i idé- och lärdomshistoria (Closed down 1988-12-31)
Studier i utbildnings- och kultursociologi
Studier till en svensk ortnamnsatlas
Studies in African Archaeology
Studies in Bioethics and Research Ethics
Studies in Educational Policy and Educational Philosophy: Research Reports
Studies in Global Archaeology
Studies in Global Migration: Societal Challenges
Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology
Studies in Religion and Society
Studies in Social Work
Svenska i utveckling
Svenska Linnésällskapets årsskrift
Svenska växtsociologiska sällskapets handlingar (Closed down 1926-12-31)
Svensk botanisk tidskrift
Symbolae botanicae Upsalienses
Symposia Universitatis Upsaliensis annum quingentesimum celebrantis (Closed down 1980-12-31)
Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University
The Cefo Interdisciplinary Working Paper Series (Cefo-IWPS)
Theses within Digital Humanities
The VIEWS Risk Monitor
Transformative Play Research Series
TVE-E (Closed down 2020-01-01)
TVE-F (Closed down 2020-01-01)
TVE-K (Closed down 2020-01-01)
TVE-LKF (Closed down 2020-01-01)
TVE-MFE (Closed down 2020-01-01)
TVE-MILI (Closed down 2020-01-01)
TVE-Q (Closed down 2020-01-01)
TVE-STS (Closed down 2020-01-01)
U.U.D.M. HPM project reports
U.U.D.M. project report
U.U.D.M. report / Uppsala University, Department of Mathematics
UCDP Papers
UNGI rapport (Closed down 1995-12-31)
Universen: en tidning för Uppsala universitets medarbetare
Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Medicine
Uppsala dissertations from the Faculty of Science (Closed down 1993-12-31)
Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology
Uppsala Dissertations in Mathematics
Uppsala Faculty of Law Working Paper
Uppsala Housing and Urban Studies
Uppsala Interdisciplinary Gender Studies
Uppsala Jewish Studies
Uppsala multiethnic papers
Uppsala North American Studies Series
Uppsala Papers in Africa Studies
Uppsala papers in economic history. Basic reading
Uppsala papers in economic history. Research report
Uppsala papers in economic history. Working paper
Uppsala Papers in Economic History (UPEH)
Uppsala papers in financial and business history
Uppsala papers in financial history
Uppsala Philosophical Studies / Uppsala University, Department of Philosophy
Uppsala Prints and Preprints in Philosophy
Uppsala Studies in Conservation
Uppsala Studies in Cultural Anthropology
Uppsala Studies in Economic History
Uppsala Studies in Education
Uppsala Studies in Egyptology
Uppsala Studies in Faiths and Ideologies
Uppsala Studies in History of Ideas
Uppsala studies in history of science
Uppsala Studies in Human-Computer Interaction
Uppsala Studies in Media and Communication
Uppsala Studies in Philosophy of Religion
Uppsala Studies in Social Ethics
Uppsala Studies in Systematic Theology and Worldviews
Uppsala Studies on Eastern Europe
Uppsala studies on the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe (Closed down 1988-12-31)
Uppsala theses in computing science
Uppsala universitets årsskrift (Closed down 1960-12-31)
Uppsala universitetsbiblioteks utställningskataloger
Uppsala University Coin Cabinet Working Papers
Uppsala University Holocaust and Genocide Studies Publications
Uppsala Women's Studies. A, Women in Religion
Uppsala Women's Studies. B, Women in the Humanities
Uppsatser inom arkivvetenskap
Uppsatser inom biblioteks- & informationsvetenskap
Uppsatser inom musei- & kulturarvsvetenskap
Uppsatser Kulturgeografiska institutionen
Utbildningshistoriska meddelanden
UURIE / Uppsala universitet, Institutitionen för teknikvetenskaper
VIEWS Working Paper Series
Vilda växter
Working paper / Department of Economics, Uppsala University (Online)
Working paper / Department of Economics, Uppsala University (Print) (Closed down 2009-04-17)
Working paper / Department of Government, Uppsala University
Working paper / Department of Statistics, Uppsala University
Working paper / Företagsekonomiska institutionen vid Uppsala universitet
Working paper / Uppsala Center for Fiscal Studies, Uppsala University
Working paper / Uppsala Center for Labor Studies, Uppsala University
Working Paper Series / Juridiska institutionen
Working paper series / Sociologiska institutionen, Uppsala universitet
Working Papers in Geography
Working papers in transport and communication history
Zoon. Suppl. (Closed down 1976-12-31)
Abstracts of Uppsala dissertations from the Faculty of Medicine (Closed down 1985-12-31)
Abstracts of Uppsala dissertations from the Faculty of Pharmacy (Closed down 1985-12-31)
Abstracts of Uppsala dissertations from the Faculty of Science (Closed down 1985-12-31)
Abstracts of Uppsala dissertations from the Faculty of Social Sciences (Closed down 1985-12-31)
Abstracts of Uppsala dissertations in medicine (Closed down 1970-12-31)
Abstracts of Uppsala dissertations in science (Closed down 1970-12-31)
Abstracts of Uppsala dissertations in social sciences (Closed down 1970-12-31)
Acta Academiae Regiae Gustavi Adolphi
Acta Bibliothecae R. Universitatis Upsaliensis
Acta Instituti Upsaliensis iurisprudentiae comparativae
Acta phytogeographica Suecica
Acta Societatis linguisticae Upsaliensis (Closed down 1992-12-31)
Acta Societatis theologicae Upsaliensis. Nova series (Closed down 1963-12-31)
Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis
Aesthetica Upsaliensia
Annual Reports - Department of Medical Cell Biology
Arbetsrapporter / Kulturgeografiska institutionen
Arbetsrapporter / Uppsala universitet, Institutionen för Östeuropastudier
Arbetsrapport - Institutet för bostads- och urbanforskning, Uppsala universitet
Arcus sacri
Ars Suetica: skrifter
Bebyggelsehistorisk tidskrift
Bibliotheca Neolatina Upsaliensis
Boreas. Uppsala Studies in Ancient Mediterranean and Near Eastern Civilizations
Bulletin of the geological institutions of the University of Uppsala (Closed down 1992-12-31)
Cefo Publication Series
Centrum för energieffektivisering i kulturhistoriskt värdefulla byggnader
CIND research paper
CIRCUS Interdisciplinary Insights
Coast to coast-books
Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Arts
Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Medicine (Closed down 2008-09-02)
Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Pharmacy (Closed down 2008-09-02)
Comprehensive summaries of Uppsala dissertations from the Faculty of Science (Closed down 1993-12-31)
Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology (Closed down 2008-09-02)
Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Social Sciences (Closed down 2008-09-02)
Degree Project in Sustainable Destination Development
De lege: årsbok / Juridiska fakulteten i Uppsala
Diakonivetenskapliga institutets skriftserie
Digitala skrifter från Hugo Valentin-centrum
Digitala skrifter från Nordiska språk
Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Educational Sciences
Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Medicine
Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Pharmacy
Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology
Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Social Sciences
Dissertations and documents in cultural anthropology : DICA
Dissertations in cultural anthropology: DICA (Closed down 2005-01-01)
Doctoral thesis / Företagsekonomiska institutionen, Uppsala universitet
Economic studies
Endangered languages and cultures
Examensarbete i logopedi (Closed down 2016-03-30)
Examensarbete vid Institutionen för geovetenskaper
Examensarbete vid Institutionen för pedagogik, didaktik och utbildningssociologi
Examensarbete vid Institutionen för pedagogik, didaktik och utbildningsstudier (Closed down 2023-12-31)
Figura: Uppsala studies in the history of art
Folia historica Upsaliensia (Closed down 1970-12-31)
Forskning om funktionshinder pågår
Forskningsrapport : Research report / Institutet för bostadsforskning, Uppsala universitet
FoSam Rapport - Forum för samverkan, Uppsala universitet
FREIA Report
FUMS rapport: Arbetsrapporter om modern svenska
Futhark: International Journal of Runic Studies
Geografiska regionstudier (Closed down 2013-04-10)
Global Migration: Consequences and Responses - RESPOND Working Paper Series
Gotland University Press
Handikappforskning pågår: aktuellt om forskning på handikappområdet
Hereditas et Exercitia
Historia litterarum
Historia religionum
Introductory research essay / Department of Animal Ecology, Evolutionary Biology Centre, Uppsala University
IT licentiate theses / Uppsala University, Department of Information Technology
kritisk etnografi: Swedish Journal of Anthropology
Laokoon: Swedish studies in aesthetics (Closed down 1969-12-31)
Licentiate theses / Faculty of Pharmacy, Uppsala University
Licentiate thesis / Företagsekonomiska institutionen, Uppsala universitet
Litteratur och samhälle: meddelande från Avd. för litteratursociologi vid Litteraturhistoriska institutionen, Uppsala
Magisterarbete i logopedi
Master's Theses in Sociology of Education
Masterarbete i logopedi
Masteruppsaster i Etnologi och Folkloristik
Masteruppsatser i kulturantropologi
MATVET Additiv
MATVET Energiteknik
MATVET Materialteknik
Meddelanden / Litteraturvetenskapliga institutionen, Uppsala universitet
Meddelanden från Institutionen för ABM vid Uppsala universitet
Meddelanden från Uppsala universitets geografiska institutioner. Ser. A (Closed down 1987-12-31)
Minor Field Study
Multiethnica: journal of the Hugo Valentin Centre
Musikvetenskapliga serien i Uppsala (MSU)
Namn och Samhälle
Nomina Germanica: arkiv för germansk namnforskning
Nordiska texter och undersökningar
Nova acta Regiae Societatis scientiarum Upsaliensis. A, Astronomy and mathematical sciences
Nova acta Regiae Societatis scientiarum Upsaliensis. C, Botany, general geology, physical geography, paleontology and zoology
Nova acta Regiae Societatis scientiarum Upsaliensis. Ser. 5, volumen extra ordinem editum
Occasional paper / Företagsekonomiska institutionen, Uppsala universitet
Occasional papers / Institutionen för allmän och jämförande etnografi vid Uppsala universitet
Occasional papers in archaeology
Opuscula historica Upsaliensia
Opuscula Uralica
Orientalia Suecana
Ortnamnssällskapets i Uppsala årsskrift
Outlook on Civil Society
Pedagogisk forskning i Uppsala
Psychologia et sociologia religionum
Psychologia religionum (Closed down 1984-12-31)
RAAS. Reports on Asian and African studies
Rapport / Uppsala universitet, Institutionen för freds- och konfliktforskning
Rapporter från forskningsgruppen för utbildnings- och kultursociologi
Rapportserie / Kvalitet och utvärdering
Rapportserie från avdelningen för kvalitetsutveckling
Rapportserie från Avdelningen för universitetspedagogisk utveckling
Rapportserie från Enheten för utveckling av pedagogik och interaktivt lärande
Religionshistoriska forskningsrapporter från Uppsala: Uppsala research reports in the history of religions
Report / Department of Peace and Conflict Research
Research report / Uppsala University, Department of Information Science
Runrön: runologiska bidrag
Scripta Islandica: Isländska sällskapets årsbok
Scripta minora Bibliothecae regiae Universitatis Upsaliensis
Serie 506
Självständigt arbete i informationsteknologi
Skrifter / Institutionen för idé- och lärdomshistoria, Uppsala universitet
Skrifter / utgivna av Institutionen för nordiska språk vid Uppsala universitet
Skrifter från Centrum för genusvetenskap / Crossroads of knowledge
Skrifter från Juridiska fakulteten i Uppsala
Skrifter rörande Uppsala universitet. B, Inbjudningar
Skrifter rörande Uppsala universitet. C, Organisation och historia
Skrifter utgivna av Avdelningen för litteratursociologi vid Litteraturvetenskapliga institutionen i Uppsala
Skrifter utgivna av Institutionen för nordiska språk vid Uppsala universitet
Skrifter utgivna av Litteraturvetenskapliga institutionen vid Uppsala universitet
Skrifter utgivna av Språk- och folkminnesinstitutet, Dialektavdelningen. A
Skrifter utgivna av Statsvetenskapliga föreningen i Uppsala
Skrifter utgivna vid institutionen för ABM vid Uppsala universitet
Slovo: Journal of Slavic Languages, Literatures and Cultures
Slovo: Journal of Slavic Languages and Literatures (Closed down 2014-01-01)
South Asian Studies
Språk och stil: Tidskrift för svensk språkforskning
Studia Anglistica Upsaliensia
Studia biblica Upsaliensia
Studia Byzantina Upsaliensia
Studia Celtica Upsaliensia
Studia cibi nutritionisque Upsaliensia
Studia didactica Upsaliensia
Studia doctrinae Christianae Upsaliensia (Closed down 1991-12-31)
Studia ethnologica Upsaliensia
Studia Germanistica Upsaliensia
Studia Graeca Upsaliensia
Studia Historica Upsaliensia
Studia historico-ecclesiastica Upsaliensia
Studia Indoeuropaea Upsaliensia
Studia Iranica Upsaliensia
Studia iuridica Upsaliensia (Closed down 1977-12-31)
Studia Latina Upsaliensia
Studia Linguistica Upsaliensia
Studia Missionalia Svecana
Studia Missionalia Upsaliensia (Closed down 2000-12-31)
Studia multiethnica Upsaliensia
Studia musicologica Upsaliensia
Studia numismatica Upsaliensia
Studia oeconomiae negotiorum
Studia oeconomica Upsaliensia
Studia philologiae Scandinavicae Upsaliensia
Studia philosophica Upsaliensia
Studia psychologica clinica Upsaliensia
Studia psychologica Upsaliensia
Studia Rhetorica Upsaliensia
Studia Romanica Upsaliensia
Studia Semitica Upsaliensia
Studia Slavica Upsaliensia
Studia Sociologica Upsaliensia
Studia statistica Upsaliensia
Studia textilia
Studia Turcica Upsaliensia
Studia Uralica et Altaica Upsaliensia (Closed down 1989-12-31)
Studia Uralica Upsaliensia
Studier i idé- och lärdomshistoria (Closed down 1988-12-31)
Studier i utbildnings- och kultursociologi
Studier till en svensk ortnamnsatlas
Studies in African Archaeology
Studies in Bioethics and Research Ethics
Studies in Educational Policy and Educational Philosophy: Research Reports
Studies in Global Archaeology
Studies in Global Migration: Societal Challenges
Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology
Studies in Religion and Society
Studies in Social Work
Svenska i utveckling
Svenska Linnésällskapets årsskrift
Svenska växtsociologiska sällskapets handlingar (Closed down 1926-12-31)
Svensk botanisk tidskrift
Symbolae botanicae Upsalienses
Symposia Universitatis Upsaliensis annum quingentesimum celebrantis (Closed down 1980-12-31)
Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University
The Cefo Interdisciplinary Working Paper Series (Cefo-IWPS)
Theses within Digital Humanities
The VIEWS Risk Monitor
Transformative Play Research Series
TVE-E (Closed down 2020-01-01)
TVE-F (Closed down 2020-01-01)
TVE-K (Closed down 2020-01-01)
TVE-LKF (Closed down 2020-01-01)
TVE-MFE (Closed down 2020-01-01)
TVE-MILI (Closed down 2020-01-01)
TVE-Q (Closed down 2020-01-01)
TVE-STS (Closed down 2020-01-01)
U.U.D.M. HPM project reports
U.U.D.M. project report
U.U.D.M. report / Uppsala University, Department of Mathematics
UCDP Papers
UNGI rapport (Closed down 1995-12-31)
Universen: en tidning för Uppsala universitets medarbetare
Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Medicine
Uppsala dissertations from the Faculty of Science (Closed down 1993-12-31)
Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology
Uppsala Dissertations in Mathematics
Uppsala Faculty of Law Working Paper
Uppsala Housing and Urban Studies
Uppsala Interdisciplinary Gender Studies
Uppsala Jewish Studies
Uppsala multiethnic papers
Uppsala North American Studies Series
Uppsala Papers in Africa Studies
Uppsala papers in economic history. Basic reading
Uppsala papers in economic history. Research report
Uppsala papers in economic history. Working paper
Uppsala Papers in Economic History (UPEH)
Uppsala papers in financial and business history
Uppsala papers in financial history
Uppsala Philosophical Studies / Uppsala University, Department of Philosophy
Uppsala Prints and Preprints in Philosophy
Uppsala Studies in Conservation
Uppsala Studies in Cultural Anthropology
Uppsala Studies in Economic History
Uppsala Studies in Education
Uppsala Studies in Egyptology
Uppsala Studies in Faiths and Ideologies
Uppsala Studies in History of Ideas
Uppsala studies in history of science
Uppsala Studies in Human-Computer Interaction
Uppsala Studies in Media and Communication
Uppsala Studies in Philosophy of Religion
Uppsala Studies in Social Ethics
Uppsala Studies in Systematic Theology and Worldviews
Uppsala Studies on Eastern Europe
Uppsala studies on the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe (Closed down 1988-12-31)
Uppsala theses in computing science
Uppsala universitets årsskrift (Closed down 1960-12-31)
Uppsala universitetsbiblioteks utställningskataloger
Uppsala University Coin Cabinet Working Papers
Uppsala University Holocaust and Genocide Studies Publications
Uppsala Women's Studies. A, Women in Religion
Uppsala Women's Studies. B, Women in the Humanities
Uppsatser inom arkivvetenskap
Uppsatser inom biblioteks- & informationsvetenskap
Uppsatser inom musei- & kulturarvsvetenskap
Uppsatser Kulturgeografiska institutionen
Utbildningshistoriska meddelanden
UURIE / Uppsala universitet, Institutitionen för teknikvetenskaper
VIEWS Working Paper Series
Vilda växter
Working paper / Department of Economics, Uppsala University (Online)
Working paper / Department of Economics, Uppsala University (Print) (Closed down 2009-04-17)
Working paper / Department of Government, Uppsala University
Working paper / Department of Statistics, Uppsala University
Working paper / Företagsekonomiska institutionen vid Uppsala universitet
Working paper / Uppsala Center for Fiscal Studies, Uppsala University
Working paper / Uppsala Center for Labor Studies, Uppsala University
Working Paper Series / Juridiska institutionen
Working paper series / Sociologiska institutionen, Uppsala universitet
Working Papers in Geography
Working papers in transport and communication history
Zoon. Suppl. (Closed down 1976-12-31)
Research subject
Administrative Law
Anaesthesiology (Closed down 2010-01-11)
Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Analytical Chemistry (Closed down 2010-01-11)
Analytical Pharmaceutical Chemistry (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Animal Development (Closed down 2010-01-13)
Animal Ecology (Closed down 2010-01-13)
Applied Mathematics and Statistics
Applied Nuclear Physics (Closed down 2010-01-13)
Art History (HGO) (Closed down 2013-06-30)
Artificial Intelligence (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Assyriology (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Astronomy and Astrophysics
Astronomy with specialization in Astrophysics
Automatic Control (Closed down 2010-01-13)
Behavioural Neuroscience (Closed down 2010-01-12)
Biblical Exegesis
Biochemical Pharmacology (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Bioethics (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Biological Research on Drug Dependence (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Biology (HGO) (Closed down 2013-06-30)
Biology with Specialisation in Human Evolution and Genetics
Biology with Specialisation in Plant Ecology and Evolution
Biology with specialization in Animal Conservation
Biology with specialization in Animal Development
Biology with specialization in Animal Ecology
Biology with specialization in Comparative Physiology
Biology with specialization in Ecological Botany
Biology with specialization in Environmental Toxicology
Biology with specialization in Environmental Toxicology (Closed down 2023-12-01)
Biology with specialization in Evolutionary Functional Genomics
Biology with specialization in Evolutionary Genetics
Biology with specialization in Evolutionary Organismal Biology
Biology with specialization in Limnology
Biology with specialization in Microbiology
Biology with specialization in Molecular Biology (Closed down 2023-04-25)
Biology with specialization in Molecular Biotechnology
Biology with specialization in Molecular Cell Biology (Closed down 2023-12-01)
Biology with specialization in Molecular Evolution
Biology with specialization in Molecular Immunology (Closed down 2023-12-01)
Biology with specialization in Physiological Botany (Closed down 2023-12-01)
Biology with specialization in Population Biology
Biology with specialization in Structural Biology
Biology with specialization in Systematics
Biomedical Laboratory Science (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Biomedical Radiation Science (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Biopharmaceutics (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Biorganic Chemistry (Closed down 2010-01-11)
Building Conservation (HGO) (Closed down 2013-06-30)
Business Economics (HGO) (Closed down 2013-06-30)
Business Studies
Byzantine Studies (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Cancer Epidemiology (Closed down 2010-01-12)
Cardiology (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Caring Sciences (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Caring Sciences in Medical Sciences (Closed down 2010-01-13)
Caring Sciences in Social Sciences (Closed down 2010-01-13)
Caring Sciences in Social Sciences (Closed down 2011-03-23)
Cell Research (Closed down 2010-01-12)
Celtic Languages (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Chemistry with Specialisation in Theoretical Chemistry
Chemistry with specialization in Analytical Chemistry
Chemistry with specialization in Bioorganic Chemistry (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Chemistry with specialization in Biophysics (Closed down 2023-12-01)
Chemistry with specialization in Chemical Physics (Closed down 2024-02-06)
Chemistry with specialization in Inorganic Chemistry
Chemistry with specialization in Macromolecular Chemistry
Chemistry with specialization in Materials Chemistry
Chemistry with specialization in Microbial Chemistry
Chemistry with specialization in Molecular Biomimetics
Chemistry with specialization in Organic Chemistry
Chemistry with specialization in Physical Chemistry
Chemistry with specialization in Polymer Chemistry
Chemistry with specialization in Quantum Chemistry (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Chemistry with specialization in Surface Biotechnology (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Child and Youth Psychiatry (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Church History
Church History and Mission History
Civil and Structural Engineering (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Civil and Structural Engineering with specialization in Soil Mechanics (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Civil Law
Classical Archaeology and Ancient History
Clinical Bacteriology (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Clinical Chemistry (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Clinical Genetics (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Clinical Immunology (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Clinical Neurophysiology (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Clinical Pharmacology (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Clinical Physiology (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Clinical Psychology (Closed down 2010-01-12)
Clinical Virology (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Comparative Indo-European Linguistics and Philology (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Comparative Medicine (Closed down 2010-01-14)
Computational Linguistics
Computerized Image Analysis (Closed down 2010-01-12)
Computerized Image Processing
Computer Science
Computer Science with specialization in Computer Communication
Computer Science with specialization in Computer Science Education Research
Computer Science with specialization in Database Technology
Computer Science with specialization in Embedded Systems
Computer Science with specialization in Human-Computer Interaction
Computer Science with specialization in Real Time Systems (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Computer Systems (Closed down 2010-01-12)
Computer Systems Sciences (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Computing Education Research
Computing Science (Closed down 2010-01-12)
Computing Science (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Conservation (HGO) (Closed down 2013-06-30)
Conservation Biology (Closed down 2010-01-13)
Constitutional Law
Corporate Law
Criminal Law
Cultural Anthropology
Curriculum Studies
Dermatology and Venerology (Closed down 2010-01-14)
Developmental Biology (Closed down 2010-01-12)
Developmental Neurosciences (Closed down 2010-01-12)
Diagnostic Radiology (Closed down 2010-01-12)
Domestic Sciences
Drug Metabolism (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Earth Science with specialization in Environmental Analysis
Earth Science with specialization in Historical Geology and Palaeontology
Earth Science with specialization in Mineral Chemistry, Petrology and Tectonics
Earth Science with specialization in Physical Geography
Earth Science with specialization in Quaternary Geology (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Ecological Botany (Closed down 2010-01-12)
Econometrics (Closed down 2010-01-12)
Economic History
Ecotoxicology (Closed down 2010-01-12)
Electrical Engineering with Specialisation in Networked Embedded Systems
Electrical Engineering with specialization in Automatic Control
Electrical Engineering with specialization in Signal Processing
Electrical Engineering with specialization in Systems Analysis (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Electricity, Esp The Study Of Transients and Discharges (Closed down 2010-01-12)
Electronics (Closed down 2010-01-12)
Empirical-Practical Studies of Religion and Theology
Endocrinology and Diabetology (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Engineering Science
Engineering Science with specialization in Advanced Instrumentation and Measurements (Closed down 2011-12-06)
Engineering science with specialization in Applied Mechanics
Engineering Science with specialization in Atmospheric Discharges
Engineering Science with specialization in Biomedical Engineering
Engineering Science with specialization in Civil Engineering and Built Environment
Engineering Science with specialization in Electronics
Engineering Science with specialization in industrial engineering and management
Engineering Science with specialization in Ion Physics (Closed down 2011-12-06)
Engineering Science with specialization in Materials Analysis
Engineering Science with specialization in Materials Science
Engineering Science with specialization in Microsystems Technology
Engineering Science with specialization in Microwave Technology
Engineering Science with specialization in Nanotechnology and Functional Materials
Engineering Science with specialization in Science of Electricity
Engineering Science with specialization in Solid Mechanics
Engineering Science with specialization in Solid State Physics
Engineering Science with specialization in the Science of Global Energy Resources (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Engineering Science with specialization in Tribo Materials
Entomology (Closed down 2010-01-12)
Environmental Law
Epidemiology (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Ethnology (HGO) (Closed down 2013-06-30)
European (Integration) Law
Evolutionary Genetics (Closed down 2010-01-12)
Experimental Pathology (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Family Medicine (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Finno-Ugric Languages
Fiscal Law
Food, Nutrition and Dietetics
Forensic Medicine (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Gender Studies
Genetics (Closed down 2010-01-12)
Geophysics with specialization in Seismology
Geophysics with specialization in Solid Earth Physics
Geriatrics (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Health Care Research (Closed down 2018-10-04)
High Energy Physics (Closed down 2010-01-12)
Historical Geology and Paleontology (Closed down 2010-01-12)
History (HGO) (Closed down 2013-06-30)
History of Art
History of Religions
History of Religions and World Christianity
History of Science and Ideas
History of Sciences and Ideas
Human Anatomy (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Human-Computer Interaction
Immunology (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Indology/South Asian Studies (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Indology with Classical Sanscrit (Closed down 2020-12-31)
Infectious Diseases (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Information Systems
Inorganic Chemistry (Closed down 2010-01-13)
Internal Medicine (Closed down 2018-10-04)
International Health (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Ion Physics (Closed down 2010-01-12)
Iranian Languages
Legal History and Sociology of Law
Library and Information Science
Limnology (Closed down 2010-01-12)
Lung Medicine (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Machine learning
Materials Science (Closed down 2010-01-12)
Mathematical Logic (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Mathematical Statistics (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Mathematics with specialization in Applied Mathematics (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Mathematics with specialization in Mathematics Education and the History of Mathematics (Closed down 2011-02-10)
Media and Communication Studies
Medical and Physiological Chemistry (Closed down 2010-01-12)
Medical Biochemistry (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Medical Cell Biology (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Medical Genetics (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Medical Informatics (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Medical Law
Medical Pharmacology (Closed down 2010-01-12)
Medical Radiophysics (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Medical Science
Medical Virology (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Medicinal Chemistry (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Medicine (Closed down 2010-01-12)
Mineral Chemistry, Petrology and Tectonics (Closed down 2010-01-12)
Molecular Biology (Closed down 2010-01-12)
Molecular Biotechnology (Closed down 2010-01-12)
Molecular Cellbiology (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Molecular Genetics (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Molecular Immunology (Closed down 2010-01-12)
Molecular Life Sciences
Molecular Medicine (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Natural Resources and Sustainable Development
Neurology (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Neuroscience (Closed down 2010-01-14)
Neurosurgery (Closed down 2018-10-04)
New Testament Exegesis
Nuclear Physics (Closed down 2010-01-12)
Numerical Analysis (Closed down 2010-01-13)
Nutrition (Closed down 2010-01-13)
Nutrition (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Obstetrics and Gynaecology (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Occupational and Environmental Medicine (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Old Testament Exegesis
Oncology (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Ophtalmology (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Organic Chemistry (Closed down 2010-01-13)
Organic Pharmaceutical Chemistry (Closed down 2010-01-13)
Orthopaedics (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Oto-Rhino-Laryngology (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Pathology (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Peace and Conflict Research
Pediatrics (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Pediatric Surgery (Closed down 2010-01-12)
Pediatric Surgery (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Pharmaceutical Biochemistry (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Pharmaceutical Microbiology (Closed down 2010-01-12)
Pharmaceutical Pharmacology (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Pharmaceutical Physical Chemistry (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Pharmaceutical Science
Pharmaceutics (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Pharmacoepidemiology (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Pharmacognosy (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Pharmacokinetics and Drug Therapy (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Pharmacology (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Philosophy, with specialization in history of philosophy
Philosophy of Religion
Physical and Inorganic Pharmaceutical Chemistry (Closed down 2010-01-12)
Physical Biology (Closed down 2010-01-12)
Physical Chemistry (Closed down 2010-01-12)
Physical Geography (Closed down 2010-01-13)
Physics and Astronomy specializing in Theoretical Physics (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Physics of Matter (Closed down 2010-01-12)
Physics with spec. in Atomic, Molecular and Condensed Matter Physics
Physics with specialization in Applied Nuclear Physics
Physics with specialization in Astrophysics
Physics with specialization in Biophysics (Closed down 2022-11-01)
Physics with specialization in Elementary Particle Physics (Closed down 2023-03-01)
Physics with specialization in Global Energy Resources (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Physics with specialization in Ion Physics (Closed down 2022-11-01)
Physics with specialization in Nuclear Physics (Closed down 2023-12-01)
Physics with specialization in Physics Education
Physics with specialization in Quantum Chemistry (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Physics with specialization in Space and Plasma Physics
Physiological Botany (Closed down 2010-01-12)
Physiological Mycology (Closed down 2010-01-12)
Physiology (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Physiotherapy (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Plastic Surgery (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Political Science
Population Biology (Closed down 2010-01-13)
Practical Philosophy
Private International Law
Procedural Law
Psychiatry (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Psychology of Religion
Public International Law
Public Law
Quality Technology and Management (HGO) (Closed down 2013-06-30)
Quantum Chemistry (Closed down 2010-01-12)
Quarternary Geology (Closed down 2010-01-12)
Radiology (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Rehabilitation Medicine (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Romance Languages
Scandinavian Languages
Scientific Computing
Scientific Computing with specialization in Numerical Analysis
Sedimentology (Closed down 2010-01-13)
Semitic Languages
Signal Processing (Closed down 2010-01-13)
Slavic Languages
Social and Economic Geography
Social Medicine (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Social Pharmacy (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Social Sciences of Religion and Practical Theology
Social Work
Sociology of Education
Sociology of Religion
Solid Mechanics (Closed down 2010-01-12)
Solid State Physics (Closed down 2010-01-12)
Space and Plasma Physics (Closed down 2010-01-13)
Space Physics (Closed down 2010-01-13)
Studies In Faiths and Ideologies (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Studies of Churches and Denominations (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Studies of Missions
Surface Biotechnology (Closed down 2010-01-13)
Surgery (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Systematic Botany (Closed down 2010-01-13)
Systematic Theology
Systematic Theology and Studies in Worldviews
Systematic Zoology (Closed down 2010-01-13)
Systems Analysis (Closed down 2010-01-13)
Textile Studies
Theoretical Astrophysics (Closed down 2010-01-13)
Theoretical Electrotechnics (Closed down 2010-01-13)
Theoretical Philosophy
Theoretical Physics
Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery (Closed down 2010-01-12)
Thorax Surgery (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Toxicology (Closed down 2010-01-13)
Transfusion Medicine (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Turkic languages
Urology (Closed down 2010-01-12)
Urology (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Zoophysiology (Closed down 2010-01-13)
Administrative Law
Anaesthesiology (Closed down 2010-01-11)
Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Analytical Chemistry (Closed down 2010-01-11)
Analytical Pharmaceutical Chemistry (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Animal Development (Closed down 2010-01-13)
Animal Ecology (Closed down 2010-01-13)
Applied Mathematics and Statistics
Applied Nuclear Physics (Closed down 2010-01-13)
Art History (HGO) (Closed down 2013-06-30)
Artificial Intelligence (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Assyriology (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Astronomy and Astrophysics
Astronomy with specialization in Astrophysics
Automatic Control (Closed down 2010-01-13)
Behavioural Neuroscience (Closed down 2010-01-12)
Biblical Exegesis
Biochemical Pharmacology (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Bioethics (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Biological Research on Drug Dependence (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Biology (HGO) (Closed down 2013-06-30)
Biology with Specialisation in Human Evolution and Genetics
Biology with Specialisation in Plant Ecology and Evolution
Biology with specialization in Animal Conservation
Biology with specialization in Animal Development
Biology with specialization in Animal Ecology
Biology with specialization in Comparative Physiology
Biology with specialization in Ecological Botany
Biology with specialization in Environmental Toxicology
Biology with specialization in Environmental Toxicology (Closed down 2023-12-01)
Biology with specialization in Evolutionary Functional Genomics
Biology with specialization in Evolutionary Genetics
Biology with specialization in Evolutionary Organismal Biology
Biology with specialization in Limnology
Biology with specialization in Microbiology
Biology with specialization in Molecular Biology (Closed down 2023-04-25)
Biology with specialization in Molecular Biotechnology
Biology with specialization in Molecular Cell Biology (Closed down 2023-12-01)
Biology with specialization in Molecular Evolution
Biology with specialization in Molecular Immunology (Closed down 2023-12-01)
Biology with specialization in Physiological Botany (Closed down 2023-12-01)
Biology with specialization in Population Biology
Biology with specialization in Structural Biology
Biology with specialization in Systematics
Biomedical Laboratory Science (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Biomedical Radiation Science (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Biopharmaceutics (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Biorganic Chemistry (Closed down 2010-01-11)
Building Conservation (HGO) (Closed down 2013-06-30)
Business Economics (HGO) (Closed down 2013-06-30)
Business Studies
Byzantine Studies (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Cancer Epidemiology (Closed down 2010-01-12)
Cardiology (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Caring Sciences (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Caring Sciences in Medical Sciences (Closed down 2010-01-13)
Caring Sciences in Social Sciences (Closed down 2010-01-13)
Caring Sciences in Social Sciences (Closed down 2011-03-23)
Cell Research (Closed down 2010-01-12)
Celtic Languages (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Chemistry with Specialisation in Theoretical Chemistry
Chemistry with specialization in Analytical Chemistry
Chemistry with specialization in Bioorganic Chemistry (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Chemistry with specialization in Biophysics (Closed down 2023-12-01)
Chemistry with specialization in Chemical Physics (Closed down 2024-02-06)
Chemistry with specialization in Inorganic Chemistry
Chemistry with specialization in Macromolecular Chemistry
Chemistry with specialization in Materials Chemistry
Chemistry with specialization in Microbial Chemistry
Chemistry with specialization in Molecular Biomimetics
Chemistry with specialization in Organic Chemistry
Chemistry with specialization in Physical Chemistry
Chemistry with specialization in Polymer Chemistry
Chemistry with specialization in Quantum Chemistry (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Chemistry with specialization in Surface Biotechnology (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Child and Youth Psychiatry (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Church History
Church History and Mission History
Civil and Structural Engineering (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Civil and Structural Engineering with specialization in Soil Mechanics (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Civil Law
Classical Archaeology and Ancient History
Clinical Bacteriology (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Clinical Chemistry (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Clinical Genetics (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Clinical Immunology (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Clinical Neurophysiology (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Clinical Pharmacology (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Clinical Physiology (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Clinical Psychology (Closed down 2010-01-12)
Clinical Virology (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Comparative Indo-European Linguistics and Philology (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Comparative Medicine (Closed down 2010-01-14)
Computational Linguistics
Computerized Image Analysis (Closed down 2010-01-12)
Computerized Image Processing
Computer Science
Computer Science with specialization in Computer Communication
Computer Science with specialization in Computer Science Education Research
Computer Science with specialization in Database Technology
Computer Science with specialization in Embedded Systems
Computer Science with specialization in Human-Computer Interaction
Computer Science with specialization in Real Time Systems (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Computer Systems (Closed down 2010-01-12)
Computer Systems Sciences (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Computing Education Research
Computing Science (Closed down 2010-01-12)
Computing Science (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Conservation (HGO) (Closed down 2013-06-30)
Conservation Biology (Closed down 2010-01-13)
Constitutional Law
Corporate Law
Criminal Law
Cultural Anthropology
Curriculum Studies
Dermatology and Venerology (Closed down 2010-01-14)
Developmental Biology (Closed down 2010-01-12)
Developmental Neurosciences (Closed down 2010-01-12)
Diagnostic Radiology (Closed down 2010-01-12)
Domestic Sciences
Drug Metabolism (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Earth Science with specialization in Environmental Analysis
Earth Science with specialization in Historical Geology and Palaeontology
Earth Science with specialization in Mineral Chemistry, Petrology and Tectonics
Earth Science with specialization in Physical Geography
Earth Science with specialization in Quaternary Geology (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Ecological Botany (Closed down 2010-01-12)
Econometrics (Closed down 2010-01-12)
Economic History
Ecotoxicology (Closed down 2010-01-12)
Electrical Engineering with Specialisation in Networked Embedded Systems
Electrical Engineering with specialization in Automatic Control
Electrical Engineering with specialization in Signal Processing
Electrical Engineering with specialization in Systems Analysis (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Electricity, Esp The Study Of Transients and Discharges (Closed down 2010-01-12)
Electronics (Closed down 2010-01-12)
Empirical-Practical Studies of Religion and Theology
Endocrinology and Diabetology (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Engineering Science
Engineering Science with specialization in Advanced Instrumentation and Measurements (Closed down 2011-12-06)
Engineering science with specialization in Applied Mechanics
Engineering Science with specialization in Atmospheric Discharges
Engineering Science with specialization in Biomedical Engineering
Engineering Science with specialization in Civil Engineering and Built Environment
Engineering Science with specialization in Electronics
Engineering Science with specialization in industrial engineering and management
Engineering Science with specialization in Ion Physics (Closed down 2011-12-06)
Engineering Science with specialization in Materials Analysis
Engineering Science with specialization in Materials Science
Engineering Science with specialization in Microsystems Technology
Engineering Science with specialization in Microwave Technology
Engineering Science with specialization in Nanotechnology and Functional Materials
Engineering Science with specialization in Science of Electricity
Engineering Science with specialization in Solid Mechanics
Engineering Science with specialization in Solid State Physics
Engineering Science with specialization in the Science of Global Energy Resources (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Engineering Science with specialization in Tribo Materials
Entomology (Closed down 2010-01-12)
Environmental Law
Epidemiology (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Ethnology (HGO) (Closed down 2013-06-30)
European (Integration) Law
Evolutionary Genetics (Closed down 2010-01-12)
Experimental Pathology (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Family Medicine (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Finno-Ugric Languages
Fiscal Law
Food, Nutrition and Dietetics
Forensic Medicine (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Gender Studies
Genetics (Closed down 2010-01-12)
Geophysics with specialization in Seismology
Geophysics with specialization in Solid Earth Physics
Geriatrics (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Health Care Research (Closed down 2018-10-04)
High Energy Physics (Closed down 2010-01-12)
Historical Geology and Paleontology (Closed down 2010-01-12)
History (HGO) (Closed down 2013-06-30)
History of Art
History of Religions
History of Religions and World Christianity
History of Science and Ideas
History of Sciences and Ideas
Human Anatomy (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Human-Computer Interaction
Immunology (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Indology/South Asian Studies (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Indology with Classical Sanscrit (Closed down 2020-12-31)
Infectious Diseases (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Information Systems
Inorganic Chemistry (Closed down 2010-01-13)
Internal Medicine (Closed down 2018-10-04)
International Health (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Ion Physics (Closed down 2010-01-12)
Iranian Languages
Legal History and Sociology of Law
Library and Information Science
Limnology (Closed down 2010-01-12)
Lung Medicine (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Machine learning
Materials Science (Closed down 2010-01-12)
Mathematical Logic (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Mathematical Statistics (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Mathematics with specialization in Applied Mathematics (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Mathematics with specialization in Mathematics Education and the History of Mathematics (Closed down 2011-02-10)
Media and Communication Studies
Medical and Physiological Chemistry (Closed down 2010-01-12)
Medical Biochemistry (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Medical Cell Biology (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Medical Genetics (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Medical Informatics (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Medical Law
Medical Pharmacology (Closed down 2010-01-12)
Medical Radiophysics (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Medical Science
Medical Virology (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Medicinal Chemistry (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Medicine (Closed down 2010-01-12)
Mineral Chemistry, Petrology and Tectonics (Closed down 2010-01-12)
Molecular Biology (Closed down 2010-01-12)
Molecular Biotechnology (Closed down 2010-01-12)
Molecular Cellbiology (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Molecular Genetics (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Molecular Immunology (Closed down 2010-01-12)
Molecular Life Sciences
Molecular Medicine (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Natural Resources and Sustainable Development
Neurology (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Neuroscience (Closed down 2010-01-14)
Neurosurgery (Closed down 2018-10-04)
New Testament Exegesis
Nuclear Physics (Closed down 2010-01-12)
Numerical Analysis (Closed down 2010-01-13)
Nutrition (Closed down 2010-01-13)
Nutrition (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Obstetrics and Gynaecology (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Occupational and Environmental Medicine (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Old Testament Exegesis
Oncology (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Ophtalmology (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Organic Chemistry (Closed down 2010-01-13)
Organic Pharmaceutical Chemistry (Closed down 2010-01-13)
Orthopaedics (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Oto-Rhino-Laryngology (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Pathology (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Peace and Conflict Research
Pediatrics (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Pediatric Surgery (Closed down 2010-01-12)
Pediatric Surgery (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Pharmaceutical Biochemistry (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Pharmaceutical Microbiology (Closed down 2010-01-12)
Pharmaceutical Pharmacology (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Pharmaceutical Physical Chemistry (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Pharmaceutical Science
Pharmaceutics (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Pharmacoepidemiology (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Pharmacognosy (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Pharmacokinetics and Drug Therapy (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Pharmacology (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Philosophy, with specialization in history of philosophy
Philosophy of Religion
Physical and Inorganic Pharmaceutical Chemistry (Closed down 2010-01-12)
Physical Biology (Closed down 2010-01-12)
Physical Chemistry (Closed down 2010-01-12)
Physical Geography (Closed down 2010-01-13)
Physics and Astronomy specializing in Theoretical Physics (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Physics of Matter (Closed down 2010-01-12)
Physics with spec. in Atomic, Molecular and Condensed Matter Physics
Physics with specialization in Applied Nuclear Physics
Physics with specialization in Astrophysics
Physics with specialization in Biophysics (Closed down 2022-11-01)
Physics with specialization in Elementary Particle Physics (Closed down 2023-03-01)
Physics with specialization in Global Energy Resources (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Physics with specialization in Ion Physics (Closed down 2022-11-01)
Physics with specialization in Nuclear Physics (Closed down 2023-12-01)
Physics with specialization in Physics Education
Physics with specialization in Quantum Chemistry (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Physics with specialization in Space and Plasma Physics
Physiological Botany (Closed down 2010-01-12)
Physiological Mycology (Closed down 2010-01-12)
Physiology (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Physiotherapy (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Plastic Surgery (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Political Science
Population Biology (Closed down 2010-01-13)
Practical Philosophy
Private International Law
Procedural Law
Psychiatry (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Psychology of Religion
Public International Law
Public Law
Quality Technology and Management (HGO) (Closed down 2013-06-30)
Quantum Chemistry (Closed down 2010-01-12)
Quarternary Geology (Closed down 2010-01-12)
Radiology (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Rehabilitation Medicine (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Romance Languages
Scandinavian Languages
Scientific Computing
Scientific Computing with specialization in Numerical Analysis
Sedimentology (Closed down 2010-01-13)
Semitic Languages
Signal Processing (Closed down 2010-01-13)
Slavic Languages
Social and Economic Geography
Social Medicine (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Social Pharmacy (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Social Sciences of Religion and Practical Theology
Social Work
Sociology of Education
Sociology of Religion
Solid Mechanics (Closed down 2010-01-12)
Solid State Physics (Closed down 2010-01-12)
Space and Plasma Physics (Closed down 2010-01-13)
Space Physics (Closed down 2010-01-13)
Studies In Faiths and Ideologies (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Studies of Churches and Denominations (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Studies of Missions
Surface Biotechnology (Closed down 2010-01-13)
Surgery (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Systematic Botany (Closed down 2010-01-13)
Systematic Theology
Systematic Theology and Studies in Worldviews
Systematic Zoology (Closed down 2010-01-13)
Systems Analysis (Closed down 2010-01-13)
Textile Studies
Theoretical Astrophysics (Closed down 2010-01-13)
Theoretical Electrotechnics (Closed down 2010-01-13)
Theoretical Philosophy
Theoretical Physics
Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery (Closed down 2010-01-12)
Thorax Surgery (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Toxicology (Closed down 2010-01-13)
Transfusion Medicine (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Turkic languages
Urology (Closed down 2010-01-12)
Urology (Closed down 2018-10-04)
Zoophysiology (Closed down 2010-01-13)
Bokmål, Norwegian; Norwegian Bokmål
Catalan; Valencian
Dutch; Flemish
Greek, Ancient (to 1453)
Greek, Modern (1453-)
Kalaallisut; Greenlandic
Norwegian Nynorsk; Nynorsk, Norwegian
Sami languages (Other)
Western Frisian
Bokmål, Norwegian; Norwegian Bokmål
Catalan; Valencian
Dutch; Flemish
Greek, Ancient (to 1453)
Greek, Modern (1453-)
Kalaallisut; Greenlandic
Norwegian Nynorsk; Nynorsk, Norwegian
Sami languages (Other)
Western Frisian
Publication type
Article, book review
Dissertation (older thesis)
Article, review/survey
Doctoral thesis, comprehensive summary
Article in journal
Doctoral thesis, monograph
Artistic output
Licentiate thesis, comprehensive summary
Licentiate thesis, monograph
Chapter in book
Manuscript (preprint)
Collection (editor)
Conference paper
Conference proceedings (editor)
Epub ahead of print
In press
Epub ahead of print
In press
Content type
Other academic
Other (popular science, discussion, etc.)
Select department
Show departments that are closed down
Uppsala University
Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences
Center for Integrated Research on Culture and Society (CIRCUS)
Faculty of Arts
Centre for Gender Research
Department of ALM
Centre for Digital Humanities
Department of Archaeology, Ancient History and Conservation
African and Comparative Archaeology
Classical archaeology and ancient history
Department of Art History
Textile Studies
Department of Cultural Anthropology and Ethnology
Department of Game Design
Department of History of Science and Ideas
Department of History
The Hugo Valentin Centre
Department of Literature and Rhetoric
Sociology of Literature
Department of Musicology
Department of Philosophy
Ethics and Social Philosophy
Logic and Metaphysics
Faculty of Educational Sciences
Department of Education
Centre for Professional Development and Internationalisation in Schools
Faculty of Languages
Department of English
Celtic Section
The Swedish Institute for North American Studies
Department of Linguistics and Philology
Department of Modern Languages
Finno-Ugric Languages
Romance Languages
Slavic Languages
Department of Scandinavian Languages
Faculty of Law
Center for Police Research
Department of Law
Real Estate Research Institute
Faculty of Social Sciences
Department of Business Studies
Department of Economic History
Science and Technology Studies Center
Uppsala Centre for Business History
Department of Economics
Uppsala Center for Fiscal Studies
Uppsala Center for Labor Studies (UCLS)
Department of Food Studies, Nutrition and Dietetics
Department of Government
Department of Human Geography
Department of Informatics and Media
Human-Computer Interaction
Information Systems
Media and Communication Studies
The Swedish IT-User Centre
Department of Peace and Conflict Research
Department of Psychology
Department of Social Work
Department of Sociology
Department of Statistics
Institute for Housing and Urban Research
Institute for Russian and Eurasian Studies
Faculty of Theology
Centre for Multidisciplinary Research on Religion and Society (CRS Uppsala)
Centre for Multidisciplinary Studies on Racism
Department of Theology
Church History and Mission History
Empirical-Practical Studies of Religion and Theology
Ethics and Philosophy of Religion
History of Religions and World Christianity
Old and New Testament Exegesis
Social Sciences of Religion and Practical Theology
Systematic Theology
Disciplinary Domain of Medicine and Pharmacy
Disciplinary Domain of Medicine and Pharmacy, research centers etc.
Center for Clinical Research Dalarna
Centre for Clinical Research Sörmland
Centre for Clinical Research, County of Västmanland
Centre for Disability Research
Centre for Reproductive Biology in Uppsala (CRU)
Centre for Research and Development, Gävleborg
National Centre for Disaster Psychiatry
Uppsala Antibiotic Center
Uppsala Clinical Research Center (UCR)
Faculty of Medicine
Department of Immunology, Genetics and Pathology
Cancer Immunotherapy
Cancer precision medicine
Genomics and Neurobiology
Molecular Tools and Functional Genomics
Neurooncology and neurodegeneration
Vascular Biology
Department of Medical Biochemistry and Microbiology
Biochemistry and Cancer
Genetics and Genomics
Infection and Immunity
Department of Medical Cell Biology
Integrative Physiology
Research group Dan Larhammar
Research Group Karin Nordström
Research group Markus Sjöblom/Olof Nylander
Research group Mia Lindskog
Research group Svante Winberg
Department of Medical Sciences
Acquired brain injury
Biochemical endocrinology
Cancer Pharmacology and Computational Medicine
Centre for Health Economics Research (HEFUU)
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Clinical Chemistry
Clinical diabetology and metabolism
Clinical Epidemiology
Clinical Microbiology
Clinical Neurophysiology
Clinical pharmacogenomics and osteoporosis
Clinical Physiology
Coagulation and inflammation science
Dermatology and Venereology
Endocrine Oncology
Endocrine Tumor Biology
Endocrinology and mineral metabolism
Health Economics
Infection medicine
Lung- allergy- and sleep research
Molecular epidemiology
Molecular Precision Medicine
Occupational and Environmental Medicine
Rehabilitation Medicine
Renal Medicine
Translationell Neurology
Transplantation and regenerative medicine
Department of Public Health and Caring Sciences
Caring Sciences
Centre for Research Ethics and Bioethics
Clinical geriatrics
Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism
General practice
Health Services Research
Molecular Geriatrics
Public health, working life and rehabilitation
Public Health
Research in Disability and Habilitation
Social medicine/CHAP
Speech-Language Pathology
Department of Surgical Sciences
Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care
Hedenstierna laboratory
Endocrine Surgery
Experimental Surgery
Forensic Medicine
Functional Pharmacology and Neuroscience
Medical epidemiology
Molecular imaging and medical physics
Nursing Research
Odontology & Maxillofacial Surgery
Ophthalmic Biophysics
Orthopaedics and Handsurgery
Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery
Plastic Surgery
Thoracic Surgery
Transplantation Surgery
Upper Abdominal Surgery
Vascular Surgery
Department of Women's and Children's Health
Cardiovascular Psychology
Centre for Health and Sustainability
CIRCLE – Complex Intervention Research in Health and Care
Clinical and translational research in pediatric oncology
Clinical Obstetrics
International Child Health and Nutrition
International Maternal and Reproductive Health and Migration
Medical psychology and care science
Obstetrics and Reproductive Health Research
Occupational Therapy
Paediatric Inflammation, Metabolism and Child Health Research
Participatory eHealth and Health Data Research Group
Pediatric oncological and neurological research
Pediatric Surgery
PERCEPT – Mental Imagery and Mental Health
Perinatal, Neonatal and Pediatric Cardiology Research
Physiotherapy and behavioral medicine
Reproductive biology
Reproductive Health
Faculty of Pharmacy
Department of Medicinal Chemistry
Analytical Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Chemical Biology for Biomarker Discovery
Drug Design and Discovery
Pharmaceutical physical chemistry
Preclinical PET-MRI Platform
Preparative Medicinal Chemistry
Translational PET Imaging
Department of Pharmaceutical Biosciences
Department of Pharmacy
Disciplinary Domain of Science and Technology
Biology Education Centre
Klubban Biological Station
Swedish Centre for School Biology and Biotechnology
Department of Cell and Molecular Biology
Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
Microbiology and Immunology
Molecular Biology
Molecular biophysics
Molecular Evolution
Molecular Systems Biology
Structural Biology
Department of Ecology and Genetics
Animal ecology
Evolutionary Biology
Plant Ecology and Evolution
Department of Organismal Biology
Evolution and Developmental Biology
Human Evolution
Physiology and Environmental Toxicology
Systematic Biology
Swedish Biodiversity Centre
Department of Chemistry - BMC
Analytical Chemistry
Organic Chemistry
Department of Chemistry - Ångström
Inorganic Chemistry
Macromolecular Chemistry
Molecular Biomimetics
Physical Chemistry
Structural Chemistry
Synthetic Molecular Chemistry
Earth Sciences
Department of Earth Sciences
Mineralogy Petrology and Tectonics
Natural Resources and Sustainable Development
Baltic University Programme
CEMUS Research Forum, CEFO
Uppsala University Sustainability Initiatives (UUSI)
Wind Energy
Faculty of Science and Technology
För teknisk-naturvetenskapliga fakulteten gemensamma enheter
International Science Programme (ISP)
Tandem Laboratory
Mathematics and Computer Science
Department of Information Technology
Artificial Intelligence
Automatic control
Computational Science
Computer Architecture and Computer Communication
Computer Systems
Computerized Image Analysis and Human-Computer Interaction
Computing Education Research
Computing Science
Division of Computer Systems
Division of Computing Science
Division of Scientific Computing
Division of Systems and Control
Division Vi3
Numerical Analysis
Department of Mathematics
Algebra, Logic and Representation Theory
Analysis and Partial Differential Equations
Dynamical Systems and Number Theory
Geometri and Physics
Probability Theory and Combinatorics
Statistics, AI and Data Science
Department of Physics and Astronomy
Applied Nuclear Physics
Chemical and Bio-Molecular Physics
Condensed Matter Physics of Energy Materials
High Energy Physics
Instrumentation and Accelerators
Materials Physics
Materials Theory
Nuclear Physics
Observational Astronomy
Physics Didactics
Quantum Matter Theory
Space Plasma Physics
The Svedberg Laboratory
Theoretical Astrophysics
Theoretical Physics
Swedish Institute of Space Physics, Uppsala Division
Department of Civil and Industrial Engineering
Civil Engineering and Built Environment
Industrial Engineering and Management
Department of Electrical Engineering
Networked Embedded Systems
Signals and Systems
Solid-State Electronics
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Applied Material Science
Applied Mechanics
Microsystems Technology
Ångström Space Technology Centre (ÅSTC)
Nanotechnology and Functional Materials
Solar Cell Technology
Solid State Physics
Music and Museums
Museum of Evolution
The Linnean Gardens of Uppsala
Botanical Garden
Uppsala University Museum
The Art Collections of the University
Uppsala University Coin Cabinet
National Centre for Knowledge on Men's Violence Against Women
Science for Life Laboratory, SciLifeLab
NBIS - National Bioinformatics Infrastructure Sweden
Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study (SCAS)
Units outside the University
The Institute for Evaluation of Labour Market and Education Policy (IFAU)
University Administration
Buildings Division
Communications Division
Division for International Coordination
Division for Quality Enhancement
Division for Research and Collaboration Support
Division of Contract Education
Faculty Offices
Financial Administration Division
Human Resources Division
International coordinator
IT Division
Legal Affairs Division
Music and Museums
Planning Division
Security and safety division
Student Affairs and Academic Registry Division
Uppsala University Innovation (UU Innovation)
University Board and Chief Officers
University Committees
Equal Opportunity Committee
University Library
Uppsala University Innovation Partnership Office
WoMHeR (Centre for Women’s Mental Health during the Reproductive Lifespan)
Select department
(*) Marks organisations that are closed down
Show only present organisations
Uppsala University
Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences
Center for Integrated Research on Culture and Society (CIRCUS)
Faculty of Arts
Centre for Gender Research
Department of ALM
Centre for Digital Humanities
Department of Archaeology, Ancient History and Conservation
African and Comparative Archaeology
Classical archaeology and ancient history
Department of Art History
Textile Studies
Department of Cultural Anthropology and Ethnology
Department of Game Design
Department of History of Science and Ideas
Department of History
The Hugo Valentin Centre
Department of Literature and Rhetoric
Sociology of Literature
Department of Musicology
Department of Philosophy
Ethics and Social Philosophy
Logic and Metaphysics
Faculty of Educational Sciences
Department of Education
Centre for Professional Development and Internationalisation in Schools
Faculty of Languages
Department of English
Celtic Section
The Swedish Institute for North American Studies
Department of Linguistics and Philology
Department of Modern Languages
Finno-Ugric Languages
Romance Languages
Slavic Languages
Department of Scandinavian Languages
Faculty of Law
Center for Police Research
Department of Law
Real Estate Research Institute
Faculty of Social Sciences
Department of Business Studies
Department of Economic History
Science and Technology Studies Center
Uppsala Centre for Business History
Department of Economics
Uppsala Center for Fiscal Studies
Uppsala Center for Labor Studies (UCLS)
Department of Food Studies, Nutrition and Dietetics
Department of Government
Department of Human Geography
Department of Informatics and Media
Human-Computer Interaction
Information Systems
Media and Communication Studies
The Swedish IT-User Centre
Department of Peace and Conflict Research
Department of Psychology
Department of Social Work
Department of Sociology
Department of Statistics
Institute for Housing and Urban Research
Institute for Russian and Eurasian Studies
Faculty of Theology
Centre for Multidisciplinary Research on Religion and Society (CRS Uppsala)
Centre for Multidisciplinary Studies on Racism
Department of Theology
Church History and Mission History
Empirical-Practical Studies of Religion and Theology
Ethics and Philosophy of Religion
History of Religions and World Christianity
Old and New Testament Exegesis
Social Sciences of Religion and Practical Theology
Systematic Theology
Disciplinary Domain of Medicine and Pharmacy
Disciplinary Domain of Medicine and Pharmacy, research centers etc.
Center for Clinical Research Dalarna
Centre for Clinical Research Sörmland
Centre for Clinical Research, County of Västmanland
Centre for Disability Research
Centre for Reproductive Biology in Uppsala (CRU)
Centre for Research and Development, Gävleborg
National Centre for Disaster Psychiatry
Uppsala Antibiotic Center
Uppsala Clinical Research Center (UCR)
Faculty of Medicine
Department of Immunology, Genetics and Pathology
Cancer Immunotherapy
Cancer precision medicine
Genomics and Neurobiology
Molecular Tools and Functional Genomics
Neurooncology and neurodegeneration
Vascular Biology
Department of Medical Biochemistry and Microbiology
Biochemistry and Cancer
Genetics and Genomics
Infection and Immunity
Department of Medical Cell Biology
Integrative Physiology
Research group Dan Larhammar
Research Group Karin Nordström
Research group Markus Sjöblom/Olof Nylander
Research group Mia Lindskog
Research group Svante Winberg
Department of Medical Sciences
Acquired brain injury
Biochemical endocrinology
Cancer Pharmacology and Computational Medicine
Centre for Health Economics Research (HEFUU)
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Clinical Chemistry
Clinical diabetology and metabolism
Clinical Epidemiology
Clinical Microbiology
Clinical Neurophysiology
Clinical pharmacogenomics and osteoporosis
Clinical Physiology
Coagulation and inflammation science
Dermatology and Venereology
Endocrine Oncology
Endocrine Tumor Biology
Endocrinology and mineral metabolism
Health Economics
Infection medicine
Lung- allergy- and sleep research
Molecular epidemiology
Molecular Precision Medicine
Occupational and Environmental Medicine
Rehabilitation Medicine
Renal Medicine
Translationell Neurology
Transplantation and regenerative medicine
Department of Public Health and Caring Sciences
Caring Sciences
Centre for Research Ethics and Bioethics
Clinical geriatrics
Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism
General practice
Health Services Research
Molecular Geriatrics
Public health, working life and rehabilitation
Public Health
Research in Disability and Habilitation
Social medicine/CHAP
Speech-Language Pathology
Department of Surgical Sciences
Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care
Hedenstierna laboratory
Endocrine Surgery
Experimental Surgery
Forensic Medicine
Functional Pharmacology and Neuroscience
Medical epidemiology
Molecular imaging and medical physics
Nursing Research
Odontology & Maxillofacial Surgery
Ophthalmic Biophysics
Orthopaedics and Handsurgery
Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery
Plastic Surgery
Thoracic Surgery
Transplantation Surgery
Upper Abdominal Surgery
Vascular Surgery
Department of Women's and Children's Health
Cardiovascular Psychology
Centre for Health and Sustainability
CIRCLE – Complex Intervention Research in Health and Care
Clinical and translational research in pediatric oncology
Clinical Obstetrics
International Child Health and Nutrition
International Maternal and Reproductive Health and Migration
Medical psychology and care science
Obstetrics and Reproductive Health Research
Occupational Therapy
Paediatric Inflammation, Metabolism and Child Health Research
Participatory eHealth and Health Data Research Group
Pediatric oncological and neurological research
Pediatric Surgery
PERCEPT – Mental Imagery and Mental Health
Perinatal, Neonatal and Pediatric Cardiology Research
Physiotherapy and behavioral medicine
Reproductive biology
Reproductive Health
Faculty of Pharmacy
Department of Medicinal Chemistry
Analytical Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Chemical Biology for Biomarker Discovery
Drug Design and Discovery
Pharmaceutical physical chemistry
Preclinical PET-MRI Platform
Preparative Medicinal Chemistry
Translational PET Imaging
Department of Pharmaceutical Biosciences
Department of Pharmacy
Disciplinary Domain of Science and Technology
Biology Education Centre
Klubban Biological Station
Swedish Centre for School Biology and Biotechnology
Department of Cell and Molecular Biology
Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
Microbiology and Immunology
Molecular Biology
Molecular biophysics
Molecular Evolution
Molecular Systems Biology
Structural Biology
Department of Ecology and Genetics
Animal ecology
Evolutionary Biology
Plant Ecology and Evolution
Department of Organismal Biology
Evolution and Developmental Biology
Human Evolution
Physiology and Environmental Toxicology
Systematic Biology
Swedish Biodiversity Centre
Department of Chemistry - BMC
Analytical Chemistry
Organic Chemistry
Department of Chemistry - Ångström
Inorganic Chemistry
Macromolecular Chemistry
Molecular Biomimetics
Physical Chemistry
Structural Chemistry
Synthetic Molecular Chemistry
Earth Sciences
Department of Earth Sciences
Mineralogy Petrology and Tectonics
Natural Resources and Sustainable Development
Baltic University Programme
CEMUS Research Forum, CEFO
Uppsala University Sustainability Initiatives (UUSI)
Wind Energy
Faculty of Science and Technology
För teknisk-naturvetenskapliga fakulteten gemensamma enheter
International Science Programme (ISP)
Tandem Laboratory
Mathematics and Computer Science
Department of Information Technology
Artificial Intelligence
Automatic control
Computational Science
Computer Architecture and Computer Communication
Computer Systems
Computerized Image Analysis and Human-Computer Interaction
Computing Education Research
Computing Science
Division of Computer Systems
Division of Computing Science
Division of Scientific Computing
Division of Systems and Control
Division Vi3
Numerical Analysis
Department of Mathematics
Algebra, Logic and Representation Theory
Analysis and Partial Differential Equations
Dynamical Systems and Number Theory
Geometri and Physics
Probability Theory and Combinatorics
Statistics, AI and Data Science
Department of Physics and Astronomy
Applied Nuclear Physics
Chemical and Bio-Molecular Physics
Condensed Matter Physics of Energy Materials
High Energy Physics
Instrumentation and Accelerators
Materials Physics
Materials Theory
Nuclear Physics
Observational Astronomy
Physics Didactics
Quantum Matter Theory
Space Plasma Physics
The Svedberg Laboratory
Theoretical Astrophysics
Theoretical Physics
Swedish Institute of Space Physics, Uppsala Division
Department of Civil and Industrial Engineering
Civil Engineering and Built Environment
Industrial Engineering and Management
Department of Electrical Engineering
Networked Embedded Systems
Signals and Systems
Solid-State Electronics
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Applied Material Science
Applied Mechanics
Microsystems Technology
Ångström Space Technology Centre (ÅSTC)
Nanotechnology and Functional Materials
Solar Cell Technology
Solid State Physics
Music and Museums
Museum of Evolution
The Linnean Gardens of Uppsala
Botanical Garden
Uppsala University Museum
The Art Collections of the University
Uppsala University Coin Cabinet
National Centre for Knowledge on Men's Violence Against Women
Science for Life Laboratory, SciLifeLab
NBIS - National Bioinformatics Infrastructure Sweden
Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study (SCAS)
Units outside the University
The Institute for Evaluation of Labour Market and Education Policy (IFAU)
University Administration
Buildings Division
Communications Division
Division for International Coordination
Division for Quality Enhancement
Division for Research and Collaboration Support
Division of Contract Education
Faculty Offices
Financial Administration Division
Human Resources Division
International coordinator
IT Division
Legal Affairs Division
Music and Museums
Planning Division
Security and safety division
Student Affairs and Academic Registry Division
Uppsala University Innovation (UU Innovation)
University Board and Chief Officers
University Committees
Equal Opportunity Committee
University Library
Uppsala University Innovation Partnership Office
WoMHeR (Centre for Women’s Mental Health during the Reproductive Lifespan)
Choose subject
Show subjects that no longer are in use
Agricultural and Veterinary sciences
Agricultural Biotechnology
Genetics and Breeding in Agricultural Sciences
Plant Biotechnology
Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
Agricultural Science
Fish and Aquacultural Science
Food Science
Forest Science
Landscape Architecture
Soil Science
Wood Science
Animal and Dairy Science
Other Agricultural Sciences
Agricultural Occupational Health and Safety
Environmental Sciences related to Agriculture and Land-use
Fish and Wildlife Management
Other Agricultural Sciences not elsewhere specified
Renewable Bioenergy Research
Veterinary Science
Clinical Science
Medical Bioscience
Other Veterinary Science
Agricultural Economics and Management
Artifcial Intelligence
Autoimmunity and Infammation
Basic Cancer Research
Building materials
Catalytic Processes
Child and Youth Studies
Childbirth and Maternity care
Circular Food Process Technologies
Computer Vision and learning System
Development Studies
Engineering and Technology
Chemical Engineering
Chemical Process Engineering
Other Chemical Engineering
Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Polymer Technologies
Surface- and Corrosion Engineering
Civil Engineering
Architectural Engineering
Building Technologies
Construction Management
Environmental Analysis and Construction Information Technology
Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology
Infrastructure Engineering
Other Civil Engineering
Transport Systems and Logistics
Water Engineering
Electrical Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Information Engineering
Communication Systems
Computer Systems
Control Engineering
Embedded Systems
Other Electrical Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Information Engineering
Robotics and automation
Signal Processing
Environmental Biotechnology
Diagnostic Biotechnology
Other Environmental Biotechnology
Water Treatment
Environmental Engineering
Earth Observation
Energy Systems
Environmental Management
Geophysical Engineering
Marine Engineering
Mineral and Mine Engineering
Ocean and River Engineering
Other Environmental Engineering
Industrial Biotechnology
Bio Materials
Biocatalysis and Enzyme Technology
Bioengineering Equipment
Bioprocess Technology
Medical Biotechnology
Other Industrial Biotechnology
Pharmaceutical and Medical Biotechnology
Materials Engineering
Ceramics and Powder Metallurgical Materials
Composite Science and Engineering
Manufacturing, Surface and Joining Technology
Metallurgy and Metallic Materials
Other Materials Engineering
Paper, Pulp and Fiber Technology
Textile, Rubber and Polymeric Materials
Mechanical Engineering
Applied Mechanics
Energy Engineering
Fluid Mechanics
Other Mechanical Engineering
Production Engineering, Human Work Science and Ergonomics
Reliability and Maintenance
Tribology (Interacting Surfaces including Friction, Lubrication and Wear)
Vehicle and Aerospace Engineering
Vehicle Engineering
Medical Engineering
Medical Imaging
Medical Instrumentation
Medical Laboratory Technologies
Medical Materials
Medical Modelling and Simulation
Other Medical Engineering
Nano Technology
Other Engineering and Technologies
Food Engineering
Interaction Technologies
Media Engineering
Other Engineering and Technologies
Enviromental Studies in Social Sciences
Environmental Economics and Management
Evolution and Developmental Genetics
Food Biotechnology
Formal Methods
Health and Diet Studies in Social Sciences
Humanities and the Arts
Art History
Literary Composition
Performing Art Studies
Performing Arts
Studies on Film
Visual Arts
History and Archaeology
Technology and Environmental History
Languages and Literature
General Language Studies and Linguistics
General Literature Studies
Specific Languages
Specific Literatures
Other Humanities
Classical Archaeology and Ancient History
Cultural Studies
Other Humanities not elsewhere specified
Philosophy, Ethics and Religion
History of Religions
History of Science and Ideas
Religious Studies
Industrial engineering and management
Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities
Internal Medicine
Medical and Health Sciences
Basic Medicine
Cell and Molecular Biology
Immunology in the medical area
Medical Genetics and Genomics
Medicinal Chemistry
Microbiology in the medical area
Other Basic Medicine
Pharmaceutical Sciences
Pharmacology and Toxicology
Physiology and Anatomy
Social and Clinical Pharmacy
Clinical Medicine
Anesthesiology and Intensive Care
Cancer and Oncology
Cardiology and Cardiovascular Disease
Clinical Laboratory Medicine
Dermatology and Venereal Diseases
Endocrinology and Diabetes
Gastroenterology and Hepatology
General Practice
Gynaecology, Obstetrics and Reproductive Medicine
Infectious Medicine
Other Clinical Medicine
Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Medical Imaging
Respiratory Medicine and Allergy
Rheumatology and Autoimmunity
Urology and Nephrology
Health Sciences
Drug Abuse and Addiction
Health Care Service and Management, Health Policy and Services and Health Economy
Medical Ethics
Nutrition and Dietetics
Occupational Health and Environmental Health
Occupational Therapy
Other Health Sciences
Public Health, Global Health and Social Medicine
Sport and Fitness Sciences
Medical Biotechnology
Biomaterials Science
Biomedical Laboratory Science/Technology
Medical Biotechnology (Focus on Cell Biology, (incl. Stem Cell Biology), Molecular Biology, Microbiology, Biochemistry or Biopharmacy)
Other Medical Biotechnology
Other Medical Sciences
Forensic Science
Gerontology, specialising in Medical and Health Sciences
Other Medical Sciences not elsewhere specified
Medical Bioinformatics and Systems Biology
Medical Biostatistics
Medical Epigenetics and Epigenomics
Medical Informatics Engineering
Medical Informatics
Medical Life Sciences
Molecular Biology
Nanotechnology for Electronic Applications
Nanotechnology for Energy Applications
Nanotechnology for Material Science
Nanotechnology for/in Life Science and Medicine
Natural Sciences
Biological Sciences
Behavioral Sciences Biology
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
Biological Systematics
Cell Biology
Developmental Biology
Evolutionary Biology
Genetics and Genomics
Other Biological Topics
Structural Biology
Chemical Sciences
Analytical Chemistry
Inorganic Chemistry
Materials Chemistry
Organic Chemistry
Other Chemistry Topics
Physical Chemistry
Polymer Chemistry
Theoretical Chemistry
Computer and Information Sciences
Bioinformatics (Computational Biology)
Computer Engineering
Computer graphics and computer vision
Computer Sciences
Human Computer Interaction
Information Systems
Media and Communication Technology
Natural Language Processing
Other Computer and Information Science
Software Engineering
Earth and Related Environmental Sciences
Climate Science
Environmental Sciences
Geosciences, Multidisciplinary
Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences
Oceanography, Hydrology and Water Resources
Other Earth Sciences
Physical Geography
Algebra and Logic
Computational Mathematics
Discrete Mathematics
Mathematical Analysis
Other Mathematics
Probability Theory and Statistics
Other Natural Sciences
Physical Sciences
Accelerator Physics and Instrumentation
Astronomy, Astrophysics and Cosmology
Atom and Molecular Physics and Optics
Condensed Matter Physics
Fusion, Plasma and Space Physics
Other Physics Topics
Subatomic Physics
Networked, Parallel and Distributed Computing
Oral Health
Other Educational Sciences
Other Geographic Studies
Other Legal Research
Other Nanotechnology
Palaeontology and Palaeoecology
Palliative Medicine and Palliative Care
Peace and Confict Studies
Power Systems and Components
Rehabilitation Medicine
Science and Technology Studies
Security, Privacy and Cryptography
Separation Processes
Social Sciences
Economics and Business
Business Administration
Economic History
Educational Sciences
Pedagogical Work
Law and Society
Media and Communications
Communication Studies
Human Aspects of ICT
Information Studies
Information Systems, Social aspects
Media and Communication Studies
Other Social Sciences
Gender Studies
International Migration and Ethnic Relations
Other Social Sciences not elsewhere specified
Social Sciences Interdisciplinary
Work Sciences
Political Science
Globalisation Studies
Political Science (Excluding Peace and Conflict Studies)
Public Administration Studies
Applied Psychology
Psychology (Excluding Applied Psychology)
Social and Economic Geography
Economic Geography
Human Geography
Social Anthropology
Social Psychology
Social Work
Sociology (Excluding Social Work, Social Anthropology, Demography and Criminology)
Solid and Structural Mechanics
Statistical physics and complex systems
Statistics in Social Sciences
Structural Engineering
Translation Studies
War, Crisis, and Security Studies
Choose research subject
Show research subjects that no longer are in use
Administrative Law
Applied Mathematics and Statistics
Astronomy and Astrophysics
Astronomy with specialization in Astrophysics
Biblical Exegesis
Biology with Specialisation in Human Evolution and Genetics
Biology with Specialisation in Plant Ecology and Evolution
Biology with specialization in Animal Conservation
Biology with specialization in Animal Development
Biology with specialization in Animal Ecology
Biology with specialization in Comparative Physiology
Biology with specialization in Ecological Botany
Biology with specialization in Environmental Toxicology
Biology with specialization in Evolutionary Functional Genomics
Biology with specialization in Evolutionary Genetics
Biology with specialization in Evolutionary Organismal Biology
Biology with specialization in Limnology
Biology with specialization in Microbiology
Biology with specialization in Molecular Biotechnology
Biology with specialization in Molecular Evolution
Biology with specialization in Population Biology
Biology with specialization in Structural Biology
Biology with specialization in Systematics
Business Studies
Chemistry with Specialisation in Theoretical Chemistry
Chemistry with specialization in Analytical Chemistry
Chemistry with specialization in Inorganic Chemistry
Chemistry with specialization in Macromolecular Chemistry
Chemistry with specialization in Materials Chemistry
Chemistry with specialization in Microbial Chemistry
Chemistry with specialization in Molecular Biomimetics
Chemistry with specialization in Organic Chemistry
Chemistry with specialization in Physical Chemistry
Chemistry with specialization in Polymer Chemistry
Church History and Mission History
Church History
Civil Law
Classical Archaeology and Ancient History
Computational Linguistics
Computer Science with specialization in Computer Communication
Computer Science with specialization in Computer Science Education Research
Computer Science with specialization in Database Technology
Computer Science with specialization in Embedded Systems
Computer Science with specialization in Human-Computer Interaction
Computer Science
Computerized Image Processing
Computing Education Research
Constitutional Law
Corporate Law
Criminal Law
Cultural Anthropology
Curriculum Studies
Domestic Sciences
Earth Science with specialization in Environmental Analysis
Earth Science with specialization in Historical Geology and Palaeontology
Earth Science with specialization in Mineral Chemistry, Petrology and Tectonics
Earth Science with specialization in Physical Geography
Economic History
Electrical Engineering with Specialisation in Networked Embedded Systems
Electrical Engineering with specialization in Automatic Control
Electrical Engineering with specialization in Signal Processing
Empirical-Practical Studies of Religion and Theology
Engineering science with specialization in Applied Mechanics
Engineering Science with specialization in Atmospheric Discharges
Engineering Science with specialization in Biomedical Engineering
Engineering Science with specialization in Civil Engineering and Built Environment
Engineering Science with specialization in Electronics
Engineering Science with specialization in industrial engineering and management
Engineering Science with specialization in Materials Analysis
Engineering Science with specialization in Materials Science
Engineering Science with specialization in Microsystems Technology
Engineering Science with specialization in Microwave Technology
Engineering Science with specialization in Nanotechnology and Functional Materials
Engineering Science with specialization in Science of Electricity
Engineering Science with specialization in Solid Mechanics
Engineering Science with specialization in Solid State Physics
Engineering Science with specialization in Tribo Materials
Engineering Science
Environmental Law
European (Integration) Law
Finno-Ugric Languages
Fiscal Law
Food, Nutrition and Dietetics
Gender Studies
Geophysics with specialization in Seismology
Geophysics with specialization in Solid Earth Physics
History of Art
History of Religions and World Christianity
History of Religions
History of Science and Ideas
History of Sciences and Ideas
Human-Computer Interaction
Information Systems
Iranian Languages
Legal History and Sociology of Law
Library and Information Science
Machine learning
Media and Communication Studies
Medical Law
Medical Science
Molecular Life Sciences
Natural Resources and Sustainable Development
New Testament Exegesis
Old Testament Exegesis
Peace and Conflict Research
Pharmaceutical Science
Philosophy of Religion
Philosophy, with specialization in history of philosophy
Physics with spec. in Atomic, Molecular and Condensed Matter Physics
Physics with specialization in Applied Nuclear Physics
Physics with specialization in Astrophysics
Physics with specialization in Physics Education
Physics with specialization in Space and Plasma Physics
Political Science
Practical Philosophy
Private International Law
Procedural Law
Psychology of Religion
Public International Law
Public Law
Romance Languages
Scandinavian Languages
Scientific Computing with specialization in Numerical Analysis
Scientific Computing
Semitic Languages
Slavic Languages
Social and Economic Geography
Social Sciences of Religion and Practical Theology
Social Work
Sociology of Education
Sociology of Religion
Studies of Missions
Systematic Theology and Studies in Worldviews
Systematic Theology
Textile Studies
Theoretical Philosophy
Theoretical Physics
Turkic languages
Select educational program
Show educational programs that no longer are in use
Bachelor of Science Programme in Pharmacy
Bachelor Programme in Behavioural Sciences
Bachelor Programme in Biology / Molecular Biology
Bachelor Programme in Business and Economics
Bachelor Programme in Business Studies
Bachelor Programme in Chemistry
Bachelor Programme in Computer Science
Bachelor Programme in Construction Engineering
Bachelor Programme in Cultural Entrepreneurship
Bachelor Programme in Earth Science
Bachelor Programme in Electrical Engineering
Bachelor Programme in Environmental Science
Bachelor Programme in Foodservice and Nutrition
Bachelor Programme in Historical Sciences
Bachelor Programme in Human Resource Management and Working Life
Bachelor programme in Information Systems
Bachelor Programme in Language Technology
Bachelor Programme in Leadership - Quality Management - Improvement
Bachelor Programme in Liberal Arts
Bachelor Programme in Mathematics
Bachelor Programme in Mechanical Engineering
Bachelor Programme in Musicology
Bachelor Programme in Nuclear Engineering
Bachelor Programme in Oriental Studies
Bachelor Programme in Peace and Development Studies
Bachelor Programme in Physics
Bachelor Programme in Political Science
Bachelor Programme in Quality Engineering and Management
Bachelor Programme in Rhetorical and Literary Communication
Bachelor Programme in Social Sciences
Bachelor Programme in Theology and Religious Studies
Bachelor Programme in Urban and Regional Planning
Bachelor's Programme in Archaeology and Ancient History
Bachelor's Programme in Archaeology and Osteology
Bachelor's Programme in Biomedical Engineering
Bachelor's Programme in Culture, Society and Ethnography
Bachelor's Programme in Digital Business Development
Bachelor's Programme in Energy Transition - Sustainability and Leadership
Bachelor's Programme in Game Design and Graphics
Bachelor's Programme in Game Design and Programming
Bachelor's Programme in Game Design and Project Management
Bachelor's Programme in Game Design
Bachelor's Programme in Media, Communication and Journalism Studies
Bachelor's Programme in Religious Studies
Bachelor's Programme in Sociology
Bachelor's Programme in Sustainable Development in Industrial Engineering
Bachelor's Programme in Theology
Biomedical Laboratory Science Programme
Biomedicine Programme
Building Conservation Program
Business Aministration and Economics Programme
Computer and Systems Science Program
Degree of Master of Science in Speech and Language Pathology
Freestanding course
International Master's Programme in Innovative Medicine
Law Programme
Magisterprogram i revision
Master of Science Programme in Information Technology Engineering
Master of Science Programme in Pharmacy
Master Programme in Accounting, Auditing and Analysis
Master Programme in Advanced Medical Imaging
Master Programme in ALM
Master Programme in Applied Biotechnology
Master Programme in Art History
Master Programme in Bioinformatics
Master Programme in Biology
Master Programme in Biomedicine
Master Programme in Business and Management
Master Programme in Chemical Engineering
Master Programme in Chemistry
Master Programme in Chemistry
Master Programme in Clinical Pharmacy
Master Programme in Computational Science
Master Programme in Computer and Systems Sciences
Master Programme in Computer Science
Master Programme in Computer Science
Master Programme in Conservation
Master Programme in Digital Art History
Master Programme in Drug Discovery and Development
Master Programme in Drug Management
Master Programme in Earth Science
Master Programme in Economics
Master Programme in Education
Master Programme in Educational Management
Master Programme in Educational Sciences
Master Programme in Electrical Engineering
Master Programme in Energy Systems Engineering
Master Programme in Energy Technology
Master Programme in Engineering Physics
Master Programme in Entrepreneurship
Master Programme in Environmental and Water Engineering
Master Programme in Euroculture
Master Programme in Geography
Master Programme in Global Environmental History
Master Programme in Global health
Master Programme in Human Rights
Master Programme in Human-Computer Interaction
Master Programme in Humanitarian Action and Conflict
Master Programme in Industrial Management and Innovation
Master Programme in Infection Biology
Master programme in Information Systems
Master Programme in Intellectual Property Law
Master programme in International Financial Management
Master Programme in International Health
Master Programme in International Humanitarian Action
Master Programme in International Tax Law and EU Tax Law
Master Programme in Investment Treaty Arbitration
Master Programme in Language Technology
Master Programme in Languages
Master Programme in Leadership
Master Programme in Management, Communication and IT
Master Programme in Materials Engineering
Master Programme in Mathematics
Master Programme in Medical Research
Master Programme in Molecular Biotechnology
Master Programme in Peace and Conflict Studies
Master Programme in Physics
Master Programme in Political Science
Master Programme in Politics and International Studies
Master Programme in Public Health
Master Programme in Religion in Peace and Conflict
Master Programme in Renewable Electricity Production
Master Programme in Scandinavian Studies
Master Programme in Social Sciences
Master Programme in Sociology of Education
Master Programme in Statistics
Master Programme in Sustainable Destination Development (120 credits)
Master Programme in Sustainable Destination Development (60 credits)
Master Programme in Sustainable Development
Master Programme in Sustainable Management
Master Programme in Swedish
Master Programme in the Humanities - Art History
Master Programme in the Humanities - Cultural Anthropology
Master Programme in the Humanities - Ethnology
Master Programme in the Humanities - Gender Studies
Master Programme in the Humanities - Literature
Master Programme in the Humanities - Rhetoric
Master Programme in the Humanities – History of Science and Ideas
Master Programme in Theology and Religious Studies
Master Programme in Translation
Master Programme in Wind Power Project Management
Master's Programme in Accounting and Financial Management
Master's Programme in Additive Manufacturing
Master's Programme in All-Electric Propulsion Systems
Master's Programme in Battery Technology and Energy Storage
Master's Programme in Biopharmaceuticals
Master's Programme in Biophysics
Master's Programme in Data Science
Master's Programme in Digital Humanities
Master's Programme in Early Modern History
Master's Programme in Game Design, one year
Master's Programme in Game Design, two years
Master's Programme in Holocaust and Genocide Studies
Master's Programme in Image Analysis and Machine Learning
Master's Programme in Industrial Analytics
Master's Programme in Industrial Engineering and Management
Master's Programme in International and European Law and Business
Master's Programme in Materials Engineering
Master's Programme in Materials Science
Master's Programme in Modern History
Master's Programme in Musicology
Master's Programme in Paleobiology - PANGEA
Master's Programme in Pharmaceutical Modelling
Master's Programme in Pharmaceutical Modelling
Master's Programme in Psychology
Master's Programme in Quantum Technology
Master's Programme in Russian and Eurasian Studies
Master's Programme in Sustainable and Innovative Natural Resource Management - SINReM
Master's programme in the humanities - Cultural Heritage and Sustainability
Master's Programme in Theology and Religious Studies
Master's Programme in Water Engineering
Master's Programme in Wind Power Project Management
Masters Programme in Embedded Systems
Master’s Programme in the Humanities – Archaeology
Master’s Programme in the Humanities – Classical Archaeology and Ancient History
Master’s Programme in the Humanities – Egyptology
Medicine Programme
Midwifery programme
Molecular Biotechnology Engineering Programme
Objects Antiquarian Programme
Open Bachelor's Programme in the Humanities
Physiotherapy programme
Pre-school Teacher Education Programme
Primary School Teacher Education Programme
Programme for Clinical Dietetitians
Programme in Computer Science
Psychotherapy Programme
Radiography Programme
Registered Nurse Programme
Social Work Programme Campus Gotland
Social Work Programme
Special Needs Teacher Education Programme
Specialist Nursing Programme Cardiac Care
Specialist Nursing Programme Diabetes Care
Specialist Nursing Programme Emergency Care
Specialistsjuksköterskeprogrammet med inriktning mot ambulanssjukvård
Specialistsjuksköterskeprogrammet med inriktning mot anestesisjukvård
Specialistsjuksköterskeprogrammet med inriktning mot distriktssköterska
Specialistsjuksköterskeprogrammet med inriktning mot hälso- och sjukvård för barn och ungdomar
Specialistsjuksköterskeprogrammet med inriktning mot intensivvård
Specialistsjuksköterskeprogrammet med inriktning mot kirurgisk vård
Specialistsjuksköterskeprogrammet med inriktning mot onkologisk vård
Specialistsjuksköterskeprogrammet med inriktning mot operationssjukvård
Specialistsjuksköterskeprogrammet med inriktning mot psykiatrisk vård
Specialistsjuksköterskeprogrammet med inriktning mot vård av äldre
Systems in Technology and Society Programme
The Uppsala Culture and Society Programme
Upper Secondary School Teacher Education Programme
v. 2.45.0
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